Clutch Lifting Mechanism

e divided, hardened where to cut and reassemble with a 1/4in. diameter steel ball in between. When cutting the rod to take due account of any wear that has already taken place, as well as the diameter of the ball. A lever can be constructed worn with Stellite or equivalent process if no replacement is available. Clutch linings must be free of oil and seals in good condition. Duron groved molded liners that (see Figure 8) powder can to some

extent. They can be washed with clean gasoline, abused and scraping slots. A new seal carrier easement is always necessary and if there is no hard copper washer of the same thickness and for a good substitute. The edges of clutch lining shoes should be well chamfered to prevent burning in the operation and steel plates that show signs of distortion should be corrected in a surface plate. Shoes are bad clutch used in the hinges cause vibrations rather reminiscent of a jump from one chain sprocket in the lowest gear. If rebushing shoe can not be renewed.
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