Apparatus and method for adjusting a gear

Apparatus and method for adjusting a gear

Apparatus and method for adjusting a gear in the gear train assembly. A first gear with a first center of rotation and a second gear with a second center of rotation are coupled to a motor. A third gear with a third rotation center is provided to form a first mesh with the first gear. The first mesh has a predetermined minimum reaction. The third gear also forms a second mesh with the second gear. The third gear includes an adjustable positioning mechanism which allows the center of rotation of the third gear to fit along a preset path that is substantially tangent to the first mesh. The adjustment mechanism of the third speed allows the minimum of the first set mesh is maintained while the second mesh is adjusted to achieve a reaction in the same manner generally minimized.

Reference to Related Applications 
This application is a continuation in part of U.S. patent application No. 08/853, 341 entitled Gear Anti-LASH WITH ALIGNMENT DEVICE filed on May 8, 1997, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,870,928 and a continuation in part of U.S. patent application No. 08/853, 013 entitled GEAR ASSEMBLY including SCISSORS team filed May 8, 1997. Furthermore, this application is related to U.S. patent application No. 08/853, 378 entitled gear set ANTI-LASH filed on May 8, 1997. 
Background of the Invention
The present invention relates to gears, and more particularly, but not exclusively, relates to the reduction of backlash in gearsets.When the tooth of a gear with fellow other gear gap, the gap provides additional space typically required to accommodate the tooth. This extra space is sometimes called "whiplash" or "reaction". Slack may vary with a number of factors including the radial bearings in gear, the eccentric gear shaft, separation center-to-center gear incorrect, and the variation of gear-to-gear typical of many processes gear manufacturing.Extra space associated with clearance usually leads to significant impact loads the gear teeth. This burden often causes excessive noise and can lead to other problems of the gear train. For example, the reaction may accelerate wear of gears. Clearance reduction is of particular interest for applications in internal combustion engines - particularly for gear trains used with diesel engines. U.S. Patent. No. 5,450,112 to Baker et al. U.S. Pat. No. 4,920,828 to Kameda et al. U.S. Pat. No. 4,700,582 to Bessette, and U.S. Pat. No. 3,523,003 to Hambric are cited as sources of background information on the application of the gear trains of the engines.One way to reduce the reaction is through precision machining and assembly of the gear. However, this approach is generally expensive and may still not adequately reaction changes with time due to wear. Another approach to reduce the reaction has been the introduction of one or more scissor gears in the gear train. Generally, scissor gears have teeth that fit in size to fit the available space between the teeth of a gear coupling. U.S. Patent. No. 5,056,613 to Porter et al., U.S. Pat. No. 4,747,321 to Hannel, U.S. Pat. No. 4,739,670 to Tomita et al. U.S. Pat. No. 3,365,973 to Henden and USA Pat. No. 2,607,238 English et al. are cited as examples of different types of scissor gear. 
A housing clearance scissors gear is often limited when the scissors gear is engaged with two or more gears having different numbers of whiplash. Typically, the coupling gear having the fewest flanges determines the size of effective teeth scissors gear, however, this size is generally insufficient to carry the whip greater coupling gear or other gears. One potential solution to this problem is selecting the mating gears minimize whiplash difference, but this approach "whiplash game" is typically expensive and time consuming. Accordingly, there remains a need for a gear train assembly that accommodates differences resulting tabs multiple gears that mesh with a scissors gear.A scissors gear configuration has two spring-loaded gear wheels to rotate relative to each other around a common center. For this configuration, tooth pairs, one for each wheel, extended to occupy the space between the teeth of a gear coupling. In some gear trains, loading the pairs of teeth on the gear coupling becomes high enough to align each pair of teeth in opposition to the spring force. Typically, each aligned pair member is configured to support this high load proportionally be sized with the same nominal thickness. However, it was found that the random deviations from nominal are sufficient to cause a tooth or the other of each pair of bear a disproportionately higher load to be deformed enough to match the other tooth usually . Often this deformation process the gear teeth subject to reverse bending loads to more rapid wear of the teeth compared to the teeth subject to bending loads unidirectional. Also, such deformation may cause greater variation from tooth to tooth results in a lower yield and a gear train noisier. Therefore, a need exists for a set of gear anti-backlash that accommodates high load without these drawbacks.It was also discovered that the strokes of the heavy duty diesel engines, is often attributed to the combustion process, results, at least in part, gear noise impact high tooth. Usually, this noise is not sufficiently reduced by the conventional configurations scissor gear. Therefore, a gear train is also in demand which addresses this type of noise. 
The present invention relates to gear assemblies and anti-lash gear trains using one or more sets of anti-lash gears. Various aspects of the invention are novel, nonobvious, and provide various advantages. While the actual nature of the invention covered herein can only be determined with reference to the claims appended hereto, certain forms of the invention that are characteristic of the preferred embodiments disclosed herein are described briefly as follows.One form of the present invention is a gear train having a first gear forming a first mesh with a second gear and a second mesh with a third scissors gear. A mounting position of the first gear relative to the second and third gears are selected to maintain the reaction of the first and second meshes at or below a maximum acceptable level.In another form, an intermediate gear form a first mesh with a first scissors gear for establishing effective size of the first gear tooth of scissors. After the establishment of the first mesh, select the mounting position of the idler gear. This mounting position is determined as a function of the effective size of the tooth to control the reaction of a second mesh formed between the intermediate gear and a second scissors gear.In a further embodiment, an intermediate gear form a first mesh with a first speed and a second mesh with a second gear. A mounting position of the gear with respect to intermediate the first and second gears is selected to maintain the reaction of the first and second meshes at or below a maximum acceptable level. This mounting position can be selected by using a mechanism that restricts movement of the intermediate gear along a desired path and the first gear, second gear, or both may be a scissor-type configuration.In a further embodiment of the present invention, a gear train assembly for an engine is provided including a first scissors gear rotatably coupled to the engine, the first scissors gear having a first center of rotation, a second gear Scissor rotatably coupled to the engine, the second scissors gear having a second rotation center, and an idler gear rotatably coupled to the engine to form a first mesh with the first gear and a second scissor mesh with the second scissors gear. The intermediate gear has a third rotation center and is mounted on a positioning mechanism having a slide member involving a generally linear adjustment path, the idler gear being selectively positionable along the path to maintain a distance between the first and third centers of rotation within a predetermined range corresponding to a reaction usually minimized to the first mesh, and for providing a range correspondingly adjustable separation distance between second and third centers of rotation to match reaction generally the second mesh to the minimal set of the first mesh.In yet another embodiment of the present invention, a method for mounting a gear train including: (a) mounting a first gear defining a first center of rotation, (b) mounting a second gear defining a second rotation center, and (c) a third gear assembly which defines a third rotation center to establish a first reaction mesh generally minimized with the first gear and a second mesh with the second gear, the third speed is adjustable on one generally linear adjustment path, the adjustment path having a predetermined linear relation to a tangent formed by the first mesh, so that the third gear is selectively positionable along the adjustment path in order to minimize reaction of the second mesh while maintaining the reaction generally minimized the first mesh.In still another embodiment of the present invention, a gear train assembly for a motor includes a first gear rotatably coupled to the motor, the first gear having a first center of rotation, a second gear rotatably coupled to the engine, the second gear having a second rotation center, and an idler gear rotatably coupled to the engine to form a first mesh with the first gear and a second mesh with the second gear. The third intermediate gear defines a center of rotation and includes means for positioning the third gear along a generally linear adjustment path, the idler gear being selectively positionable along the path to maintain a distance between the first and the third rotation centers within a predetermined range corresponding to a reaction generally minimized for the first net and to provide a range correspondingly adjustable separation distance between second and third centers of rotation to match the second reaction generally to mesh minimum set of said first mesh.
Other forms of the present invention include the incorporation of the various sets of anti-lash gears of the present invention into a gear train and the use of adjustable positioning mechanisms of the present invention with an internal combustion engine.It is an object of the present invention to reduce the noise emitted by the motor gear trains.Another object of the present invention to provide a set of gear anti-whiplash reducing noise emissions of the gear train.It is another object of the present invention to control the load sharing between multiple gear wheels of a set of scissors gear.Yet another object is to provide a reliable technique for adjusting gear sets to reduce slack.Description of the Preferred EmbodimentsFor the purposes of promoting an understanding of the principles of the invention, reference will now be made to the embodiments illustrated in the drawings and specific language will be used to describe the same. However, it is understood that no limitation of the scope of the invention is thereby intended. Any alterations and further modifications in the described embodiments, and any additional applications of the principles of the invention as described herein are contemplated as would normally occur to one skilled in the art to which the invention relates.. Figure 1 depicts the system of internal combustion engine 20 of the present invention. The system 20 includes an engine block 22 with a crankshaft 24 is shown in dashed lines. Engine system 20 also includes head 30 connected to the block 22. Head assembly 30 includes fuel injector camshaft 32 is shown in dotted line and the camshaft of the valve 34 is shown in dotted line. In one embodiment, the block 22 and the mounting head 30 is configured as a heavy-duty, inline six-cylinder diesel. The present invention is also applicable to other types of engines as would occur to one skilled in the art.The synchronization system 20 includes gears 40. The gear set 40 includes drive gear 42 connected to the crankshaft 24. Crankshaft 24 and the drive gear 42 with the rotation center 44 at the intersection of cross designated by reference numeral 44. For the referenced figures herein, centers of rotation are represented by a dashed line segment indicative of the corresponding rotation axis when the rotation axis is not perpendicular to the view plane and the spotlight when the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the plane of sight. Gear 42 rotates with the crankshaft 24 during operation of the motor 20 around the center 44 to drive the remaining gears of the gear train 40.Gear 42 has teeth 46 which are lower nuts 48 mesh with anti-lash gear 50. Gear 50 rotates about axis 53 having center of rotation 54. Shaft 53 is mounted on the block 22 by fasteners 55. Bearing 56 provides a support relative rotation between the gear assembly 58 by anti-lash gear 50 and shaft 53.Figures. 2-5 provide additional details on the structure and functioning of joint anti-lash gear 58 of gear 50. Referring to FIG. 2 shows several details of gear wheel 60 before the incorporation in the gear assembly 58. Gear wheel 60 includes a hub 63. Web 64 defines seven circumferentially spaced openings 65. Furthermore, for each aperture 65, web 64 defines an edge 65a opposite fingers at one end edge 65b at the other end. Opening 65 and the edges 65a, 65b are generally equally spaced along the circumference of an imaginary circle around the center 54. Gear wheel 60 includes a number of circumferentially spaced gear teeth 66 defined by edge 67. Ass 67 is integrally connected to the hub 63 by the web 64. Adjacent members of gear teeth 66 are generally evenly spaced apart from each other by spaces 68. Only a few of the teeth 66 and gaps 68 are designated to preserve clarity. Each gear tooth member 66 is generally sized and shaped the same as the others. Likewise, each hole 68 has generally the same size and shape.Referring to FIG. 3 illustrates the gear assembly 70 anti-whiplash 58. Gear wheel 70 includes hub 73 which is configured to form a rotatable bearing relationship with the shaft 53 through the bearing 56 (see fig. 1). Shaft 63 of gear wheel 60 engages hub 73. The interface between the hubs 63 and 73 is adapted to permit rotation of the gear wheels 60 and 70 relative to each other. Gear wheel 70 also includes web 74. Tabs 74a project from the fabric 74 in a direction generally perpendicular to the plane of view of Fig. 3 and has one side connected to the rim 77 to define corresponding recesses 75. At least one flange 74a defines a threaded bore 79 therethrough. Bore 79 has a longitudinal axis generally parallel to the plane of view of Fig. Three. Web 74 also defines lightening holes 75a each corresponding to one of recesses 75. Flanges 74a and recesses 75 are generally evenly spaced along the circumference of an imaginary circle around the center 54.Wheel 70 includes a series of gear teeth 76 defined by the edge 77. Ass 77 is integrally connected to the hub 73 Web 74. Adjacent members of gear teeth 76 are generally evenly spaced apart from each other by spaces 78. Only a few of the teeth 76 and gaps 78 are designated to preserve clarity. Each gear tooth member 76 is generally sized and shaped the same as the others. Similarly each space 78 generally has the same shape and size. Preferably, the number of teeth 76 of the wheel 70 is the same as the number of teeth 66 of the wheel 60.. Figure 4 defines anti-lash of the gear assembly 58 in a non-aligned configuration is commonly before preparation for installation in the gear train 40. In this configuration, the wheels 60 and 70 are loosely coupled together so that each aperture 65 of the wheel 60 generally overlies a corresponding recess 75 of the wheel 70 to define a series of pockets 80. A series of helical springs 81 are provided each having end 82 opposite end 84. Each spring 81 is positioned in a corresponding pocket 80 with one end 82 engaging corresponding tab 74a and alignment of end 84 with a corresponding edge 65a. However, the ends 84 are not coupled edges 65a typically in this configuration.Assembly 58 also includes adjusting bolt 90 threaded screw head 92 opposition 94. Stem 92 is shown fully threaded into the hole 79 in Fig. 4 with the head 94 in contact with the 74th tab. By convention, the teeth 66 and 76 are in a "non-aligned" so that the teeth 66 overlap the gaps 78 defined between teeth 76 and the teeth 76 overlap the gaps 68 defined between teeth 66. Axis 73 of the wheel 70 forms a rotary bearing relationship with the axis 63 of the wheel 60 so that the wheels 60 and 70 are allowed to rotate relative to each other. Head 94 defines contact surface 95 configured to abut adjacent edge 65b of the wheel 60 when the wheel 60 is rotated counterclockwise with respect to the wheel 70. When the wheel 60 is rotated in the clockwise direction with respect to the wheel 70, spring 84 eventually ends engage corresponding edges 65a. Preferably, each edge 65a defines a finger dimensioned to fit within each spring coil 81 to facilitate proper alignment with the disc 60. When rotated in the direction of clockwise with sufficient force, the springs 81 are compressed between the flanges corresponding edges 65a and 74a, as illustrated in Fig. May.. Figure 5 represents a position "aligned" sprocket 60 and 70 reflects a configuration suitable for installation in the gear train 40. When aligned, the teeth 76 and 66 are approximately centered one on the other as shown in Fig. May. Springs 81 are also in highly compressed between the edges of the flanges 65a and 74a to provide a corresponding high spring force. Adjustment assembly 58 of the configuration of FIG. 4 to the configuration of FIG. 5 is provided by unscrewing bolt 90 so that the head 94 moves away from the orifice 79 along the shaft axis S. As this continues unscrewed, 95 abuts the adjacent edge surface 65b and the springs 81 are compressed between adjacent edges aligned tabs 74a and 65a.Unscrewing the bolt 90 extends beyond the associated flange edge 74a and 65b to rotate the wheels 60 and 70 rotate relative to each other and move the teeth 66 and 76 on one another. A given tooth of the wheel 66 can be moved in and out of register with several teeth 76 before reaching highly skewed configuration of FIG. 5 in the configuration of FIG impartial. April.. Figure 5 also represents the face 66a of each tooth 66 of the wheel 60 some of which are depicted. Each tooth 76 of wheel 70 likewise has a face 76a, some of which are depicted. W60 width represents the width of a typical face 66a. Similarly, the width W70 represents the width of a typical face 76a. Preferably, the width W60 is less than the width W70. More preferably, the width W70 is at least about 50% greater than the width W60. Most preferably, the width W70 is at least about twice the width W60.Referring collectively to FIGS. 4 and 5, the joint gear wheel 58 anti-whiplash wheel 70 is constructed by providing and mounting one of the springs 81 to align with the hole 79. Bolt 90 is screwed into the hole 79 so that head 94 contacts the tabs 74a associated. The remaining springs 81 are placed in the recesses 75 of the wheel 70. Wheel 60 is positioned on the wheel 70 to define corresponding pockets 80 generally evenly spaced along the imaginary circle 86 (shown in dashed lines in Fig. 4). Edges 65a are aligned with the ends 84 of the corresponding springs 81.Before mounting assembly 58 on shaft 53, it is preferred that the teeth 66 and 76 align. To provide this alignment, the bolt 90 is partially unscrewed from the bore 79 so that head 94 contacts the adjacent edge 65b of the wheel 60 and correspondingly compresses springs 81. In response, the teeth 66, 76 move over each other. Unscrewing the screw 90 continues this motion until the aligned position of Fig. 5 is generally achieved. As a result, the wheel 60 is removed from the wheel 70 along the shaft axis S by a distance D, as shown in Fig. May. In particular, a stem portion 92 of the pin 90 is held in the threaded bore 79 in both the non-aligned position of FIG. 4 and in the aligned position of Fig. May. In other embodiments, more than one or all of the tabs 74a can be adapted to define an orifice 79 suitable for the screw coupling 90. Similarly, several bolts 90 can be used with embodiments having multiple orifices 79.Once the teeth 66 and 76 are aligned in the configuration of FIG. 5, the assembly 58 is mounted on the shaft 53 through bearing 56. When mounted so aligned teeth 66, 76 mesh shape 48 with teeth 46 of gear 42. However, the mesh 48 is typically a significant amount of the tabs when the teeth 66, 76 are aligned to the force by the extension bolt 90. To take up the lash in the gear 50, wheels 60 and 70 are preferably permitted to rotate relative to one another under the influence of the bias provided by springs 81 compressed. Threaded bolt 90 back in 79 gauge, 58 once assembled is mounted on a mesh 48 with the drive gear 42 allows rotation. As a result, the bias spring offsets the teeth 66 and 76 from one another to generally occupy the entire space between adjacent teeth 46 engaged in mesh 48. In particular, the mesh 48 does not allow the teeth 66, 76 to return to the unloaded position of Fig. 4 configuration.Each pair of teeth aligned initially 66, 76 operate collectively as a composite tooth with an effective size variable or "thickness" depends on the space between the coupling teeth 46. By varying the thickness, these teeth compounds can reduce, or even effectively eliminate, 48 mesh reaction. To complete the installation of the assembly 58, the pin 90 may be pulled down so that the head 94 abuts the associated tab 74a. Bolt 90 is preferably carried by the wheel 70 throughout the adjustment process and the use of assembly 58 as part of the gear 50.Preferably, the wheel 60 and 70 are machined from a metallic material suitable for long term use on a train engine diesel timing gear. It is also preferred that the pin 90 and the springs 81 may be selected from compatible materials suitable for long term use in a diesel engine. However, in other embodiments, different materials can be utilized as would occur to one skilled in the art.Although gear 50 is illustrated in Fig. 1 as an idler gear, in other configurations that may be configured as a drive gear, a driven gear, or otherwise adapted or modified as would occur to a skilled artisan. In all these ways, the gear 50 can be considered a new type of "scissors gear."Returning to FIG. 1, the gear 50 engaged in the gear train 40 to form 96 mesh with intermediate gear 100. Idler gear 100 rotates around the center of rotation 104 and 106 defines the circumferential teeth 108 separated by spaces to form 96 mesh with the gear 50.Referring additionally to FIG. 6 provides more details on intermediate gear 100. Idler gear 100 includes teeth 107 which define rim 106 integrally connected to the Internet 114. Web 114 defines lightening holes 116. Web 114 is also integrally connected to the hub 118, as shown in cross-sectional view of FIG. 6, has a thickness slightly less than along the axis of rotation corresponding to the center 104 of the rim 107. Cylindrical hub 119 provides a bearing surface for rotation between the shaft 103 and hub 118. Shaft 105 103 defines four passages used to mount intermediate gear 100 to block 22.Intermediate gear assembly 100 is provided by the adjustable positioning mechanism 120. Mechanism 120 includes a mounting plate 130 which is located between the shaft 103 of gear 100 and the intermediate block 22. In particular, the plate 130 is configured to provide clearance with the hub 118 of the idler gear 100, so that idler gear 100 is freely rotatable about the axis 103.The intermediate gear 100 and the mounting plate 130 are positioned between the block 22 and the retaining plate 140. Clamping plate 140 includes mounting holes 145 which are generally aligned with the steps 105 of the shaft assembly 103, mounting passages 135 of plate 130 and the threaded holes 25 of block 22. Importantly, the passages 105 have a larger dimension along an axis perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the gear 100 of passages 135, the holes 145 and the holes 25. The intermediate gear 100 is fixed between the plates 130 and 140 by inserting the screw fasteners 150 through holes 145, passages 105 and passages 135 and screwing the threaded end of shafts 152 in the bores 25. Fasteners 150 are each 154 head 152 opposite threaded rod. Head 154 is sized to contact the retaining plate 140 when deriving 152 are fully threaded into holes 25 to fix the plate 140 against the shaft 153 and to hold the shaft 153 against the plate 130.In operation the mechanism 120 is configured to position the intermediate gear 100 with respect to a plane region that is preferably parallel to the plane of view of Fig. 1 and perpendicular to the plane of view of Fig. June. Within this region, the gear 100 can be positioned with two degrees of freedom as symbolized by the arrows X and Y in Fig. 1.Idler gear mount 100, the mounting plate 130 is secured to block 22 using first fasteners (not shown) in a conventional manner, so that the passages 135 are aligned with the holes 25. Once the plate 130 is fixed to block 122, intermediate gear 100 is in the plate 130 so that they overlap passages passages 105 135. Then, the retainer plate 140 is positioned on the shaft 103 to locate over 145 holes corresponding passages 105 and 135, and the bores 25. Fasteners 150 are then each placed through an aligned hole 145, step 105 and step 135 and loosely threaded into a corresponding hole 25. Preferably, fasteners 150 are initially threaded into the bores 25 an amount sufficient to contact the plate 140 and idler gear 100 elastically maintain in position. In this configuration, the position of the idler gear 100 relative to the flat region symbolized by the arrows X and Y direction can be selected within the range permitted by the separation of fasteners 150 in passages 105. Once you select an XY position, fasteners 150 are tightened down to secure intermediate gear 100 and the mechanism 120.The teeth 106 of idler gear 100 meshed with gear 196 anti-lash 200. Gear 200 is mounted to the fuel injector camshaft 32 of the head assembly 30 and is configured to rotate about the pivot 204. Gear 200 is preferably configured similar to gear 50 having gear teeth pairs of compounds represented by the reference number 266. Also, the springs 281, gear 200 is shown configured in a manner similar to the springs 81 of gear 50, although less in number (three are shown). Also shown is an adjusting bolt 290 installation. This adjusting screw can be used for installation purposes similar to bolt 90 of gear 50. Gear 50, the gear 200, or Belleville washers can be used both to provide a spring bias, either with or without coil.Gear 200 forms 296 mesh with the coupling gear 300. Coupling gear 300 is attached to the camshaft 34 of the valve to rotate about the center of rotation 304. Gear teeth 300 defined 306 pairs interact with gear teeth 266 mesh 200 to form 296.In operation, drive gear 42 rotates with the crankshaft 24 to rotate gear 50. In response, the idler gear 50 rotates gear 100 through 96 mesh. 100 Idler Gear units 200 through 196 mesh to regulate the time of fuel injectors (not shown) for the engine system 20 by rotating the fuel injector camshaft 32. Moreover, gear 200 drives gear coupling 300 through 296 mesh for rotating the valve camshaft 34 therewith for time engine valves (not shown) for mounting the head 30. Therefore, gear train 40 turns the cam 32 and 34 of the head assembly 30 in response to rotation of the crankshaft 24 for controlling the timing system of the engine 20.In other embodiments, different numbers and arrangements of gears in the gear train 40 can be used as would occur to one skilled in the art. In an alternative embodiment a conventional scissors gear may be used in place of gear 50, the gear 200, or both. In still other embodiments may not be necessary with an idler gear positioning mechanism adjustable.In one embodiment of the gear train 40, the number of teeth 46 is approximately 48 to the drive gear 42, the number of teeth 66, 76 is approximately 70 to the gear wheels 60, 70, respectively, number of teeth 106 of idler gear 100 is approximately 64 adjustable, the number of teeth 266 for composite gear 200 is approximately 76 and the number of teeth 306 is approximately 76 for the gear 300. Also, for this configuration, the gears 42, 50, 100, 200, 300 are of a configuration of spur gears are made of metallic materials suitable for long term use with internal combustion engines, and have rotational axes generally parallel intersect perpendicularly to the view of FIG. 1.Having described selected structural and operational features of system 20, certain aspects of system assembly 20 is described below in connection with the schematic representations of FIGS. 7A and 7B. In the figures. 7A and 7B, like reference numerals represent schematically the structure identified by reference numerals in the figures. 1-6, however, gear meshes have been expanded to highlight selected features of the present invention. . 7A illustrates an erection step of the intermediate gear 40. At this stage, the drive gear 42 has been previously mounted to rotate around the center 44 in the direction indicated by the arrow R1. Similarly, coupling gear 300 is mounted for rotation about the center 304 in the direction indicated by the arrow R5.After gears 42 and 300 are mounted, the gears 50 and 200 are assembled to form 48 mesh between gears 42 and 50, and 296 mesh between gears 200 and 300. Forming stitches 48, 296 determines the size of the teeth effectively composite corresponding pairs of teeth of the gears 50 and 200, occupying spaces between the teeth 46 and 42 gears 306 and 300, respectively. To the gear 50, the teeth 76 of the wheel 70 are represented by dashed lines, and the teeth 66 of the wheel 60 are represented by solid lines for illustrative purposes. Also shown is the effective circulating thickness T50 of the pair of composite gear tooth 50. This compound circular thickness is determined by a pitch circle of the gear 50 mesh 48. Notably, in the absence of intermediate gear 100, the thickness T50 is defined by the distance of engagement of the teeth 46 of the gear 42.About 296 mesh, 200 forming teeth gear pairs 266 compounds. Each pair 266 has an element represented by a dashed line and member represented by a solid line for clarity. Circular tooth thickness effective tooth pair composite 266 is shown as circular thickness T200 with respect to a pitch circle for gear 200.Arrows R4, R5 indicate the direction of rotation in which the gears 200, 300 are driven, respectively. Also shows the mounting hole 25 of the engine block 22 as a reference.Having defined the thickness composite circular T50 and T200, intermediate gear 100 is installed in a 96 mesh with the gear 50 and 196 mesh with the gear 200 as shown in FIG. 7B. The tooth thicknesses T50 and T200 are typically different corresponding to a difference in the value of the clearance in 48 and 296 mesh. Using mechanism 120 for adjusting the XY position of the center of rotation 104 with respect to the fixed rotation centers 54 and 204, intermediate gear 100 can be located optimally mesh with the predefined size of the gear teeth 50 and 200 despite any difference tabs. Fasteners 150 of mechanism 120 are illustrated in Fig. 7B for reference. 
Position adjustment intermediate gear 100 relative to the other gears results in significant control over the amount of slack 96 and 196 mesh. When the difference resulting reaction T50 and T200 different widths is within a certain range, the backlash can be reduced or effectively eliminated through proper placement of idler gear 100 along a perpendicular to the flat region axes of rotation of the meshing gears.Notably, while the preferred embodiment has two meshes 96, 196 with the intermediate gear 100, in other embodiments this mounting method can be practiced to control reaction for a different number of meshing gears. For example, this assembly technique finds application in gearing which has only three gear oriented similar to gears 42, 50, and 100.Referring to the figures. 8A-8C, the selected operational states of gears 42, 50, and 100 are represented schematically with reference numbers which represent the structure designated by similar numerals in the figures. 1-6, however, fewer and larger teeth are illustrated schematically in these figures to emphasize different characteristics. Referring to FIG. 8A, the gears 42, 50, 100 are on a static (non-moving) state relative to the other. Referring to the mesh 48, step imaginary circles C1, C2, C3 are represented by dashed lines for gears 42, 50, 100, respectively. The circular thickness T50a a pair of gear teeth 76, 66 of gear 50 is shown as an arc along the pitch circle C2 partner. DF1 arrows represent the forces acting counter to the thrust gear 50 to the static condition shown in Fig. 8A. Static reaction forces gear 100 are shown by arrows RF1. Also represents the circular thickness of a selected tooth T60 66 and the thickness T70 selected circular tooth 76. Thickness T60 is preferred that nominally circular circular thickness of less than T70 for each tooth 60, 70, respectively. In a preferred embodiment, T60 is at least about two thousand (0002) of an inch less than T70. More preferably, this difference is at least four thousand (0004) of an inch. Most preferably, this difference is within a range of about two to six thousand (0.002-0.006) inch.In the figure. 8B, the drive gear 42 is rotating in the direction indicated by arrow R1 to provide a resultant drive force represented by arrow DF2. In response, the gear 50 is rotating in the direction indicated by the arrow R2 and the gear 100 is rotating in the direction indicated by the arrow R3. The resulting reaction force presented by the gear 100 is represented by arrow RF2. The resultant forces DF2 and RF2 are of sufficient intensity to partially overcome the spring bias, causing compression of the springs 81 of the gear 50. As a result, the circular thick T50b pairs composed of gear teeth 50 decreases relative to the thickness T50a (T50a T50b is less). As the magnitude of the force transmitted from drive gear 42 increases, the teeth of gears 66, 76 continue to approach alignment.In the figure. 8C, the resultant force DF3 driving gear 42 and the reaction force RF3 gear 100 compresses the spring 81 by an amount sufficient to align the teeth of the gears 66 and 76. When so aligned, composite thickness T50C results. T50C is less than both T50a and T50b, and is generally equal to the thickness T70 of the teeth run 76. Springs 81 are fully compressed generally in FIG. 8C configuration, store energy in an amount generally equal to the springs 81 in the configuration of FIG. May.The smaller circular thickness of teeth 66 as compared to the teeth 76 (T60 <T70) prevents load of teeth 66 beyond the load provided by the compressed springs of FIG. 8C. In contrast, the teeth 76 have no load in excess of the spring load. Limiting the load on the teeth 66 to the spring bias generally reduces reverse bending loads that often result from differences in dimensions random pairs of teeth each member having nominally the same thickness sized to circulate. Preferably, the wider tooth face of each tooth 76 W70 is selected to withstand the highest driving loads in excess of the spring pressure, however, the increased overall width (W60 + W70) for the gear 50 is typically less than the increase of the width required to withstand reverse bending loads by a scissors gear with the same nominal circular thickness for all teeth.. Figure 9 graphically depicts the typical effect of reducing the thickness T60 vs. Circular Circular thickness T70 with the load lines 400. The dashed line 400 represents sprocket 60 and the solid line represents 400 gear 70. Horizontal segments 410 correspond to the pre-loaded bias of gear 50 under the static conditions of Fig. 8A. Angled segments 420 correspond to the load of the teeth 66, 76 between the static condition of Fig. 8A and the aligned position of Fig. 8C. . Figure 8B represents a point along the segments 420. Compressing once the loading docks to align teeth 81 as illustrated in Fig. 8C, the load on the teeth 66 of the gear wheel 60 is flattened at the maximum load of the springs 81, as indicated by the segment 430. At the same time, the thicker side of the teeth 76 W70 high intensity takes charge as indicated by the slope segment 440. Allowing the wheel 70 to handle high loads and limiting the wheel load 60 with the difference circular thickness (T70-T60), reverse bending loads are normally reduced.It is found that most of the unpleasant noise such as "hammering" sounds associated with diesel engines of high power, due to the high impact noise of the gear trains associated with those engines. Unexpectedly dramatic change in sound quality is experienced, typically including a reduction in the overall intensity of noise, when a relatively high torque bias is provided by a scissors gear engaged in the gear train. As used herein, "bias torque" is the amount of torque provided by a gear set of spring-biased scissors. The pair of bias is determined as the magnitude of the vector product of vectors corresponding to a radial distance from the center of rotation of the sprocket teeth and the force acting tangentially to a circle corresponding to the radio. Typically, the pair of bias varies as a function of the amount of charge bias scissors gear. Preferably, the pair of bias is at a maximum when the gear teeth are generally aligned in opposition to the polarization. Configuration of aligned teeth 66, 76 in Fig. 5 a radial vector T and a force vector F is illustrated which can be used to determine torque bias for the assembly 58.Found that a maximum torque bias of at least 100 ft-lbs (ft-lbs) provides improved gear train and the intensity noise character. More preferably, it provides a maximum torque bias of at least about 200 foot-pounds. Most preferably, there is provided a torque bias at least about 500 foot-pounds. In a more preferred embodiment, the gear 50 is configured with a maximum torque bias of about 700 foot-pounds, and the gear 200 is configured with a maximum torque bias of about 200 foot-pounds. In many cases, the torque bias of the present invention avoids the need to use expensive panels and boxes to mute the objectionable noise.. Figure 10 provides a perspective exploded view of a whole anti-lash gears 558 about rotation center 554 of an alternative embodiment of the present invention. Assembly 558 includes sprocket 560 with slots 561 defined by the inner cylindrical surface 564 of the hub 563. Hub 563 defines opening 563A therethrough. Splines 561 are helical-type 554 oriented about the center and inclined to the axis of rotation of the wheel 560. Shaft 563 is integrally connected to web 564. A number of circumferentially arranged teeth 566 are defined by the rim 567 which is also integrally connected to web 564. The teeth 566 are generally equally spaced apart from each other on the center 554 and each has generally the same size and shape. Between adjacent teeth 566 are holes 568 which are also generally evenly spaced apart from one another and have generally the same shape and size. Web 564 of wheel 560 defines two opposed openings 569 therethrough.Assembly 558 also includes wheels 570. Wheel 570 includes grooves 571 defined by the cylindrical outer surface 572 of the hub 573. Splines 561 are helical-type 554 oriented about the center and inclined to the axis of rotation of the wheel 570. Splines 571 are generally inclined in the same manner as splines 561 to engage the same. Hub 573 is configured to fit within the center opening 563 563A partner grooves 561 and 571. Shaft 573 defines opening 573A surrounded by the inner cylindrical surface 574 to establish a relationship of a rotational bearing assembly axis. Wheel 570 also includes 574 web integrally connected to the hub 573. The teeth 576 are defined by the rim 577 that is integrally connected to web 574. Teeth 576 are generally evenly spaced apart from one another about the center of rotation 554 and each have generally the same size and shape. The teeth 576 define openings 578 therebetween. Gaps 578 are generally evenly spaced apart from one another and each has generally the same size and shape. Collectively, the hub 573, web 574 and edge 571 define a cylindrical recess 575. Web 564 defines two opposite threaded recesses 579 for each of the openings 569.Coil springs 580 are each positioned in the recess 575 and are generally uniformly spaced apart from one another about the center 554 between the hub 573 and rim 577. Adjustment devices 590a, 590b are included that each have screw threaded rod 590 to 592. Stem 592 has 593 head 594 opposite end. Devices 590a, 590b each include washer 596 configured for passage of the rod 592 therethrough. In contrast, head 594 is sized so that it will pass through the washer 596. Furthermore, the outer diameter of the washer 596 is dimensioned so that it will pass through the opening 569. Opening 569 is sized to provide ample space for the shaft 592, enabling selective positioning of the stem 592 therein. Threaded recesses 579 are each configured for engagement by a corresponding one of the rods 592.Referring to FIG. 11A, a position not aligned assembly 558 is illustrated showing the teeth 566 and 576 of the wheels 560 and 570, respectively, out of register similar to the embodiment illustrated in FIG. April. Referring additionally to FIG. 11B a side elevation view of the assembly 558 in the configuration illustrated unaligned. Splines 561 engage splines 560 wheels 571 of the wheel 570. For each of the devices 590a, 590b, 592 have corresponding longitudinal backbones stems S1, S2. Stems 592 are inserted through washers 596 and apertures 596 to engage corresponding threaded cavity initially 579. Spring 580 is not compressed substantially in the configuration of FIGS. 11A and 11B.Referring additionally to FIGS. 12A and 12B, a perspective view and side elevation view of the assembly 558 in a configuration aligned respectively shown. This configuration corresponds to the generally aligned aligned mounting configuration 58 is illustrated in Fig. May. To provide alignment of the assembly 558, 592 adjustment devices stems 590a, 590b are threaded into recesses 579 to further compress spring 580 between the wheel 560 and 570. As springs 580 are compressed ramps engaging grooves 561, 571 provide a ramp action becomes generally translational movement of the devices 590a, 590b to a rotational movement of the wheels 560, 570. 592 as derived from devices 590a, 590b are not threaded, the compressed springs 580 provides a force that turns the wheels 560 and 570 in the opposite direction due to the engagement of splines 561, 571. Assembly 558 is configured so that the teeth 566 and 576 are generally aligned when fully threaded shanks 592 are in recesses 579. This guidance also aligned assembly 558 is preferably configured to provide a selected maximum torque bias. Wheels 560 and 570 occupy distance along backbones S1 and S2 changes from D1 to the non-aligned position shown in Fig. 11B D2 to the aligned position illustrated in FIG. 12B, where D1 is greater than D2. In particular, D2 is the minimum distance occupied by the wheels 560, 570 of assembly 558 along backbones S1, S2. Therefore, the wheels 560, 570 rotate relative to one another according to the distance occupied by the wheels 560, 570 along the rotation axis corresponding to the center 554.Preferably, the number of teeth 566 is the same as the number of teeth 576. It is also preferred that the number of spiral grooves 561, 571 is the same as the number of teeth 566, 576, respectively. Identical numbers of teeth and splines simplifying assembly, avoiding the need of index striae 571, 561 to ensure that the alignment of teeth 566 and 576 coincides with the high spring compression. In other embodiments, aperture 569 can be configured as a non-circular aperture in opposition to the generally circular opening shown in FIG. 10. In an alternative embodiment, aperture 569 is configured as an arcuate slot with a radius of curvature that extends from the center 554.Splines 561, 571 may be provided in different locations in addition to the centers 563, 573. By way of nonlimiting example, arcuate slots defined by one of the wheels may have an inner surface defining slots configured to engage with the slots defined by a flange extending from the other wheel in these slots. In particular, one or more coupling segments oriented spines on the axis of rotation are able to provide the relative rotation of the gear wheels without surround the shaft.As in the embodiment of assembly 58, assembly 558 provides an alignment device which provides selectively align two gear teeth of a set of anti-lash gears against the force of the spring assembly. 592 Stems are tightened down to provide the aligned configuration of FIGS. 12A and 12B for installation. Once assembly 558 is engaged with another gear, gear 42, for example, each device 592 come 590a, 590b is loosened to permit relative rotation of the wheels 560 and 570 of tabs assimilation coupling gear. This position would look similar loosened the configuration of FIGS. 11A and 11B, but preferably provide clearance between the washer 594 and head 596 of each bolt 590 to accommodate changing conditions of a mesh corresponding tabs. In one embodiment, the devices are removed 590a, 590b once assembly 558 is installed in a mesh with other gear. This embodiment is based on the mesh to oppose the bias.Each assembly 58, 558 is configured with an adjustment device having a threaded shaft coupled to a wheel which extends along an axis of the rod. These devices also include a head attached to the shaft and configured for adjustable positioning relative to the wheel. In general, the assemblies 58 and 558 may be configured to be interchangeable with respect to other features of the present invention. Moreover, the assembly 58 or 558 can be adapted for use with team combat tab 200. In other embodiments of assemblies 58, 558, bolts 90, 590 may be replaced by a threaded rod fixed to a wheel with a nut threaded to provide a tailstock. This nut is positioned along the shaft to selectively engage the other wheel. In still other embodiments of the present invention or anti-whiplash assembly can be used. In fact, in some alternative embodiments of the present invention, a set of conventional scissors gear can be used.Figures. 13 and 14 adjustable idler gear mechanism 600a of the present invention. Mechanism 600a is illustrated as a substitute idler sprocket 100 and the mechanism 120 of system 20 with the same reference numerals represent like features. Mechanism includes gears 600a 603a, 655a of the mounting shaft and the mounting plate 630a coupled to block 22 as described above in connection with the system 20. Gear 603a includes gear wheels 613a and 655a of the shaft assembly. 613a has sprocket teeth flange 615a 616a define. Ass 616a 617a is integrally connected to web. Web 617a is integrally connected to the hub 619a 618a which engages cylindrical sleeve to provide a ratio of the pivot bearing in the manner previously described for the intermediate gear 100.
Mounting shaft 601a 655a has positioning pins that protrude from the mounting surface 667A. Pin 601a 602a shown participation slot defined by the mounting surface 637A of the mounting plate 630a. Mounting surfaces 667A and 637A are also shown in the commitment. Pin 601a is fixed with respect to the shaft 655a and is generally centered relative to the axis of rotation which coincides with the rotation center gear 650a 603a. Pin 601a may be an integral part of the shaft 655a, or connected thereto by any suitable means as would occur to those skilled in the art. Slot 602a limited follows a path represented by a line segment with the reference number 660a in Fig. 14. Collectively, the pin 601a and 602a provide a guide slot to position 625a 660a 650a center along the track. 660a may follow a generally straight path, as shown by the continuous line segment, or alternatively can follow a path 660a 'curvilinear as shown in exaggerated form by the dashed line segment in Fig. 14. Plate 630a is fixed with respect to block 22 using any suitable means that would occur to those skilled in the art. The location of the plate 630a is selected to provide a predetermined ratio of the path 660a, 660a 'to the center of rotation 54 of the gear 50. In a preferred assembly process, rotation centers 54 and 50 gears 204 and 200, respectively, are predetermined. Mounting plate 630a is positioned to establish the distance between the center of rotation 54 from any given point along the path 660a is maintained within a predetermined range. This range corresponds to an acceptable range of variation of clearance between the gears 50 and 603a as more fully described hereinafter. After gears 50 and 200 are mounted, gear 603a is positioned to adjustably engage therewith and pin 601a is received in the slot 602a. 601a engages pin 602a to provide sliding guide slot 625a, and thereby facilitate the adjustment of the center of rotation 650a 603a 660a gear along the route. For any pin position 601a along the groove 602a, the spacing between rotation centers 54 and 650a is maintained to provide a minimum level acceptable for the coupling reaction between the gears 603a and 50 according to the predetermined spatial relationship between 660a tract and the center of rotation 54. Configuration generally straight path designated by the reference number 660a, 660a preferred route guidance to be approximately parallel to the tangent line 610a, 610a where the line is tangent to pitch circle 612a for the crown gear 50 and holes 614a to gear 603a. Generally this orientation minimizes the amount of backlash between the gear change 50 and the gear pin 603a and 601a is moved along the track 660a.Furthermore, this technique of determining the mounting position 600a with respect to the gears 50, 200 is less prone to errors, being more "foolproof" than existing methods to minimize the reaction of two or more stitches of the same underway. Additionally, the guide structure 625a is much less complicated and time consuming to adjust in comparison to conventional approaches.Usually, it is easier to manufacture guide 625a to define a generally straight path 660a a predetermined curved path 660a ', however, the degree of precision available when comparing the reaction of the meshes of both gears 50 and 200 may be generally less than 660a via path 660a 'curve. Therefore, in an alternative preferred embodiment, the groove 602a is curved path 660a '. The curvature of the path 660a 'is preferably selected to provide a generally constant spacing from the center of rotation 54 as pin 601a moves along the same. For this preferred embodiment, via 660a 'has a generally constant radius of curvature from the center of rotation 54, so that path 660a' is an arc concentric with the launching gear 612a circle 50.Road 660a and 660a 'are also aimed at providing a substantially greater degree of variation and variation space corresponding reaction with respect to the arts 200. Therefore, the pin 601a can be moved along the track 660a and 660a 'for determining a position that minimizes the clearance between the gear 200 and 603a, while not exceeding a desired level of reaction between the gear 50 and 603a. Once a position is selected, the shaft 655a is fixed with respect to the mounting plate 630a and the block 22. This fixation can be performed with one or more fasteners, such as with bolts, screws or rivets, a joining process such as welding, brazing, soldering or adhesively bonded, or through any other means occur to one skilled in the art. In another embodiment, the pin protrudes from the plate 601a 630a and 602a of the slot is defined by the guide shaft 625a 655a to provide adjustability with comparable.Figures. 15 and 16 represent another adjustment mechanism idler gear 600b of the present invention. 600b mechanism is illustrated as a substitute idler sprocket 100 and the mechanism 120 of system 20 with the same reference numerals represent like features. 600b includes gear mechanism 603b, 655b mounting shaft and the mounting plate 630b coupled to block 22 as described above in connection with the system 20. 603b includes gear 613a of the gear wheels, as described in connection with mechanism 600a. Similarly, the gear 603b includes cylindrical sleeve 619B to provide a relationship between the rotary bearing 613a and 655b of the gear shaft.Adjusting 600b has a guide mechanism includes locating pins 625B and 609B 601b slot. 655b axle assembly has two positioning pins 601b protruding from the mounting surface 667B. Pins 601b shown participate groove 609B defined by the mounting surface 637B of the mounting plate 630b. Mounting surfaces 667B and 637B are also shown in the commitment. Pins 601b are fixed relative to the shaft 655b in a relationship offset from the axis of rotation which coincides with the rotation center 650b of gear 603b. Pins 601b may be an integral part of the shaft 655b and connected thereto by any suitable means as would occur to those skilled in the art. Slot 609B limited follows a path represented by a line segment with reference numeral 660b in Fig. 16. Plate 630b is fixed with respect to block 22 using any suitable means that would occur to those skilled in the art.In a preferred assembly process, the plate 630b is mounted to block 22 to establish a predetermined spatial relationship between track 660b and the center of rotation 54 of the gear 50. Gear 603b is adjustably mounted to mesh with the gears 50 and 200 pins for sliding engagement in the groove 601b 609B. For any position of pins 601b along the groove 609B, the spacing between rotation centers 54 and 650b is maintained to provide a minimum level acceptable for the coupling reaction between the gears 603B and 50 in accordance with predetermined spatial relationship 660b between the track and the center of rotation 54. For the illustrated embodiment, via 660b is represented by a generally straight segment that is generally parallel to the tangent line 610b, 610b which line is tangent to the crown of holes 612b to the gear 50 and crown gear holes 603b 614b . In an alternative embodiment, via 660b 'is represented by a dashed line, and is curved and configured as described in relation to the track 660a' of mechanism 600a. The curvature is exaggerated describe more clearly the path 660b.Path 660b is also aimed at providing a substantially greater degree of variation in spacing and variation corresponding clearance with respect to the gear 200. Therefore, pin 601b can be moved along the path 660b for determining a position that minimizes the clearance between gears 200 and 603b, until it exceeds the desired level of play between the gears 50 and 603b. Once a position is selected, the shaft 655b is fixed relative to the mounting plate 630b and the block 22 in a manner comparable to that described for the plate 630a.Figures. 17 and 18 represent another adjustment mechanism idler gear 600c of the present invention. 600c mechanism is illustrated as a substitute idler sprocket 100 and the mechanism 120 of system 20 with the same reference numerals represent like features. Gear Mechanism 600c includes 603C, 655C axle mounting, and the mounting plate 630c have been attached to the block 22 described above in connection with the system 20. Gear 603C includes 613a of gear wheels described in relation to the mechanism 600a. Similarly, the gear 619c 603C includes cylindrical sleeve to provide a rotary bearing relationship between 613C and 655C shaft sprocket.Adjustment mechanism has a guide 600c 625c 601C and 604C pins included shoulder. 630c mounting plate has two positioning pins 601c that protrude from the mounting surface 637c. Pins 601c shoulder guide displayed participate 604cdefined surface mounting shaft 655c 667C. Mounting surfaces 667C and 637c are also shown in the commitment. Fixing pins 601c 630c relative to the plate in a relationship offset from the axis of rotation which coincides with the rotation center 650c of the gear 603C. Pins 601c may be an integral part of the plate 630c and connected thereto by any suitable means as would occur to those skilled in the art. Shoulder 604c follows a path represented by a line segment with reference numeral 660c in Fig. 18. Plate 630c is fixed in relation to the block 22 using any suitable means that would occur to those skilled in the art.In a preferred assembly process, the plate 630c is mounted on the block 22 to establish a predetermined spatial relationship between the tracks 660c and the center of rotation 54 of the gear 50. Gear 603C is adjustably mounted to mesh with the gears 50 and 200 by pins sliding 601C against shoulder 604c. For any position of pins 601c 604c along the shoulders, the spacing between rotation centers 54 and 650c is maintained to provide a minimum level acceptable for the coupling reaction between gears 603C and 50 according to the predetermined spatial relationship between 660c pathways and the center of rotation 54. For the illustrated embodiment, track 660c is represented by a generally straight segment that is generally parallel to the tangent line 610c, 610c line which is tangent to the crown of holes 612c to 614c gear 50 and the pitch circle for gear 603C . In an alternative embodiment, may be used curved pathway 660c 'as represented by the dashed line in Fig. 18. Preferably via 660c 'is bent in the manner described for pathway 660a' of mechanism 600a. The track curvature 660c 'is exaggerated to more clearly represent in Fig. 18.Path 660c is also aimed at providing a substantially greater degree of variation in spacing and variation corresponding clearance with respect to the gear 200. Therefore, pin 601c may be moved along path 660c to determine a position that minimizes the clearance between gear 200 and gear 603C without exceeding the desired level of play between the gears 50 and gear 603C. Once a position is selected, the axis 655c is fixed relative to the mounting plate 630c and the block 22 in a manner comparable to that described for the plate 630a.Figures. 19 and 20 represent another adjustment mechanism 600d idler sprocket of the present invention. Mechanism 600d is illustrated as a substitute idler sprocket 100 and the mechanism 120 of system 20 with the same reference numerals represent like features. Gear Mechanism 600d includes 603D, 655D of the mounting shaft and the mounting plate 630d which are coupled to block 22 described above in connection with the system 20. 603D includes gear 613a of the gear wheels described in relation to the mechanism 600a. Similarly, the gear 619d 603D includes cylindrical sleeve to provide a connection between the bearing and rotary shaft gear 613a 655D.Adjustment mechanism 625D 600d has a positioning guide including pins 601d and 604d guide walls. 630d mounting plate has two positioning pins 601d that protrude from the mounting surface 637D which are arranged opposite in relation to the center of rotation 650D. Pin 601d engage each of a pair of corresponding guide walls defined by the surface 604d of the shaft 655D 667D. 604d guide walls are generally parallel to each other and are generally opposite each other. 667D and 637D surfaces are also shown in the commitment. Fixing pins 601d 630d relative to the plate in a generally symmetrical about the center of rotation of gear 603D 650D. Pins 601D may be an integral part of the plate 630d and connected thereto by any suitable means as would occur to those skilled in the art. 604d walls generally correspond to a path represented by a line segment with reference numeral 660D in Fig. 20. Plate 630d is fixed with respect to block 22 using any suitable means that would occur to those skilled in the art.In a preferred assembly process, the plate 630d is mounted in block 22 to establish a predetermined spatial relationship between path 660D and the rotational center 54 of the gear 50. 603D gear is adjustably mounted to mesh with the gears 50 and 200 by sliding each pin 604d 601d against a corresponding wall. Pins for any position along the walls 601d 604d, the spacing between rotation centers 54 and 650D is maintained to provide a minimum level acceptable for the coupling reaction between gears 603D and 50 in accordance with the predetermined spatial relationship between 660D track and the center of rotation 54. In the illustrated embodiment, via 660D is represented by a generally straight segment that is generally parallel to the tangent line 610d, 610d, where the line is tangent to the pitch circle for gear 50 612D and 603D 610d gear pitch circle. In an alternative embodiment, the route is represented by a dashed line in Fig. 20 with reference numeral 660D 'and bent in the manner described in relation to the track 660a' of mechanism 600a. The track curvature 660D 'is exaggerated in the figure. 20 to describe more clearly.Path 660D is also aimed at providing a substantially greater degree of variation in spacing and variation corresponding clearance with respect to the gear 200. Therefore, pins 601D can move along the path 660D for determining a position that minimizes the clearance between gear 200 and gear 603D, it does not exceed the desired level of play between the gears 50 and gear 603D. Once a position is selected, the shaft 655D is fixed relative to the mounting plate 630d and the block 22 in a manner comparable to that described for the plate 630a.Figures. 21 and 22 represent another adjustment mechanism idler gear 600e of the present invention. Mechanism 600e is illustrated as a substitute for the idler sprocket 100 and the mechanism 120 of system 20 with the same reference numerals represent like features. 600e includes gears mechanism 603e, axle assembly 655E, and 630e rail mounting block 22 coupled as described above in connection with the system 20. Gear 613a 603e includes gear wheel as described in connection with 600th mechanism. Similarly, the gear 603e 619e includes cylindrical sleeve to provide a swivel connection between the bearing 613a and shaft sprocket 655E.Adjustment mechanism has 600e 625E includes a channel guide 605e and 630e rail. Axle has mounting 655E 667e 605e surface defining channel. 630e 605e Canal Railroad receives it, involving surface mounting rail 637E 667e 630e to surface. 605e channel generally corresponds to a path represented by a line segment with reference numeral 660E in FIG. 22. Lane 630e is fixed with respect to block 22 using any suitable means that would occur to those skilled in the art.In a preferred assembly process, rail 630e is mounted to establish a predetermined spatial relationship between track 660E and the center of rotation 54 of the gear 50. 603e gear is adjustably mounted to mesh with gears 50 and 200 slidingly engage in the channel rail 630e 605e. For any rail position 605e 630e in the channel, the spacing between rotation centers 54 and 650e is maintained to provide a minimum level acceptable for the coupling reaction between the gears 603e and 50 according to the predetermined spatial relationship between track 660E and the center of rotation 54. In the illustrated embodiment, via 660E is represented by a generally straight segment that is generally parallel to the tangent line 610E, 610E in line is tangent to the pitch circle for gear 50 612e 614e and 603e gear pitch circle. In an alternative embodiment, the route is represented by the dashed line in Fig. 22 with reference numeral 660E 'and is bent as described in relation to the track 660a' of mechanism 600a. The track curvature 660E 'is exaggerated in the figure. 22 to describe more clearly.660E path is also designed to provide a substantially greater degree of variation in spacing and variation corresponding clearance with respect to the gear 200. Therefore, 630e rail can be moved along channel 605e to determine a position that minimizes the clearance between the gear 200 and the gear 603e while not exceeding a desired level of reaction between the gear 50 and the gear 603e. Once a position is selected, the shaft 655E is fixed relative to the rail 630e and the block 22 in a manner comparable to that described for the plate 630a.Figures. 23 and 24 represent another adjustment mechanism idler gear 600f of the present invention. 600f mechanism is illustrated as a substitute for the idler sprocket 100 and the mechanism 120 of system 20 with the same reference numerals represent like features. Gear mechanism 600f includes 603F, axle mounting 655f and guide plate 630F are coupled to block 22 described above in connection with the system 20. 603F includes gear 613a of the gear wheels described in relation to the mechanism 600a. Similarly, the gear 603F includes cylindrical sleeve 619f for providing a connection between the bearing and rotary shaft gear 613a 655f.655f 607f mounting shaft has an engaging surface 630F cheek plate 606f. Cheek 606f generally extends along a path represented by a line segment with reference numeral 660F in Fig. 24. Plate 630F is fixed with respect to block 22 using any suitable means that would occur to those skilled in the art.In a preferred assembly process, the plate 630F is mounted to establish a predetermined spatial relationship between 660F track and the center of rotation 54 of the gear 50. 603F gear is adjustably mounted to mesh with gears 50 and 200 by engaging surface mounting shaft 655f 607f 606f cheek against a sliding or rolling relation. For any axial position 606f 655f along the cheek, the spacing between rotation centers 54 and 650F is maintained to provide a minimum level acceptable for the coupling reaction between gears 603F and 50 according to the predetermined spatial relationship between 660F track and the center of rotation 54. In the illustrated embodiment, via 660F is represented by a generally straight segment that is generally parallel to the tangent line 610F, 610F in line is tangent to the pitch circle for gear 612F 50 holes 614f crown gear 603F. In an alternative embodiment, the route is represented by a dashed line in Fig. 24 with reference numeral 660F ', and bent in the manner described in relation to the track 660a' of mechanism 600a. The curvature of the track 660F 'is exaggerated in the figure. 24 to describe more clearly.Path 660F is also aimed at providing a substantially greater degree of variation in spacing and variation corresponding clearance with respect to the gear 200. Therefore, 655f axes can cheek along 606f for determining a position that minimizes the clearance between gears 200 and 603F gears without exceeding the desired level of play between the gear 50 and the gear 603F. Once a position is selected, the shaft 655f is fixed relative to the plate 630F and the block 22 in a manner comparable to that described for the plate 630a.It should be understood that additional gears and gear types may be used with the mechanisms 600a, 600b, 600c, 600d, 600e, 600f (collectively designated mechanisms 600) as would occur to those skilled in the art. Furthermore, several guide tracks can be established relative to the center 204 instead of 54 with a corresponding change in backlash adjustability. Furthermore, it should be appreciated that various mechanisms pins 600 can be joined by a joining process such as welding, brazing, soldering, by applying adhesive, for threading, a snap-fit ​​connection, or through any other means that would occur to those skilled in the art. The pins are preferably cylindrical in shape, but other embodiments may include a different bolts. Also several other guide members, such as grooves, shoulders, walls, and channels, mechanisms 600 may be machined, cast, or formed using techniques known to those skilled in the art. Preferably all mechanisms 600 parts are made of metal or composite material suitable for applications in heavy duty diesel engines.Also be appreciated that each mounting mechanism 600 provides a gear train with minimum play by limiting variation clearance between the idler gear and the gear 54 to an acceptable level, and yet allows independent adjustments to reduce the overall reaction gear 200. This feature makes it unnecessary precision gear assembly 200 and thus improve the efficiency of assembly in terms of time and cost. Moreover, the reduction reaction according to the present invention generally provides a gear train quieter, more durable.All publications, patents and patent applications cited in this specification are herein incorporated by reference as if each individual publication, patent or patent application was specifically and individually indicated to be incorporated by reference and set forth in its entirety herein.Although the invention has been illustrated and described in detail in the drawings and foregoing description, the same should be considered as illustrative and not restrictive in character, it being understood that only the preferred embodiment has been shown and described and that all changes, modifications, and equivalents falling within the spirit of the invention as defined by the following claims are desired to be protected.Other objects, features, advantages, benefits and aspects of the present invention will become apparent from the drawings and description contained herein. 
 . Figure 1 is a front elevation view of a system of internal combustion engine of an embodiment of the present invention.Figures. 2 and 3 are top plan views of the components of a set of anti-lash gears for the embodiment of FIG. 1. 

. Figure 4 is a top plan view of the components of FIGS. 2 and 3 incorporated in the gear assembly on an anti-whiplash unaligned configuration.. Figure 5 is a perspective view of the gear assembly of the anti-whiplash figure. 4 in a configuration aligned.. Figure 6 is a cross sectional view of an intermediate gear mechanism and adjustable positioning along section lines 6-6 of FIG. 1.Figures. 7A and 7B are schematic elevational front of the system of FIG. 1 in various stages of assembly.Figures. 8A-8C are schematic front elevation, representing the operating states selected from a portion of the system of FIG. 1.. 9 is a graph illustrating various relationships relating to operating states shown in Figs. 8A-8C.. 10 is a perspective exploded view of a set of gear anti-whiplash of an alternative embodiment of the present invention.. 11A is a top plan view of the gear assembly of the anti-whiplash figure. 10 in an aligned configuration.. 11B is a side elevational view of the gear assembly of the anti-whiplash figure. 11A.. 12A is a top plan view of the gear assembly of the anti-whiplash figure. 10 in an aligned configuration.. 12B is a side elevational view of the gear assembly of the anti-whiplash figure. 12A.. 13 is a sectional view of a second embodiment of a gear adjusting mechanism idler herein.. 14 is a cross sectional view of the adjustment mechanism of FIG gear. 13 taken through line 14-14.. 15 is a sectional view of a third embodiment of a gear adjusting mechanism of the present invention.. 16 is a cross sectional view of the adjustment mechanism of FIG gear. 15 taken through line 16 - 16.. 17 is a sectional view of a fourth embodiment of a gear adjusting mechanism of the present invention.. 18 is a cross sectional view of the adjustment mechanism of FIG gear. 17 taken through section line 18-18.. 19 is a sectional view of a fifth embodiment of the adjustment mechanism of the present invention gear.. 20 is a cross sectional view of the adjustment mechanism of FIG gear. 19 taken through section line 20-20.. 21 is a sectional view of a sixth embodiment of the adjustment mechanism of the present invention gear.. 22 is a cross sectional view of the adjustment mechanism of FIG gear. 21 taken through section line 22-22.. 23 is a sectional view of a seventh embodiment of the adjustment mechanism of the present invention gear.. 24 is a cross sectional view of the adjustment mechanism of FIG gear. 23 taken through section line 24-24.
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