Transmission and steering mechanism for farm-tractors

Transmission and steering mechanism for farm-tractors

 D. c . DRILL . TRANSMISSION AND STEERING MECHANISM for agricultural tractors .Application filed September 22 | 919 .Patented November 1, 1921 .raiud D. C. DRILL .SKIN MECHANISIVI transmission and steering tractors.Application filed September 22 . 1919.D. C. DRILL . TRANSMISSION AND STEERING MECHANISM FOR FARM TRACTOHS .Application filed September 22 , T919 .N01 patented . 1 , 1921 .3 SHEETS ORDER 3 .Hio State have invented Pari- UNITED STATES : NT OMCS . NDivs TRANSMISSION - TEERIns goitplpmmms imcnmsn .For all who can t comm:Be it known that I, DANIEL- C .U.S. citizen ,Greenville County DRILL , an address on the earth Darkle certain new and useful Im rovementsin Transmission and steerin h ) of which you follow is a specification , reference is had in him the drawing accompaniing . lT is ' invention ' refers to the im rovements of mechanical transmission and steering mechanism for agricultural tractors and lts main objective is to provide a construction that the tractor is turnedl in much less time and space is relatively small tractors ble POSF constructed in accordance with common practice.To achieve the purposes of the invention, the motor is connected to the drive wheels of the tractor for better transmission gear in a manner such that one or the other or both wheels Vtractor Ofthe tractor wheels may be disconnected from the transmission - in the mechanism of the will of the operator , - beingtransmitted power from the engine to the drive wheels via a system of gear diierential lplanetary and providing the tractor with maximum mobility ' - that is, the tractor can be maneuvered the main advantage with respect to time ANDV space to its rotational movements .Other features ' of my invention will become apparent from the detailed description herein theinventionl and illustration of the drawings. Structurally considered the " device embodying the invention is of simple construction * solid in all aspects and designed to meet the require- cough and tractor transmission gears and the purposes of the present invention.In the accompanying drawings ,igure l is a plan view , partly in section and having the top cover outdoor gear , gear transmission containing my invention;F ig . 2 is a side elevation of the gear according swept im line 2 2 ig . 1;. Figure 3 is a detailed view of the planetary gear unit shown in Figs . 1 and 2, without the brake drum .As here shown my invention is mounted ina A gear housing , which can be of any suitable construction to the requirements of the invention.i specification letters patent . med application September 22, 1919 . Serial No.echanism F - Tractors arm ,allow Patented November 1, 1921 .the housing forwardend A is a drlve longitudlnal axis - connected whichl l - 'the motor gear transmission and drive wheels of the tractor unit sha - ft belng connected to the motor by any clutch V. suitable (not shown ) . Secured to the opposite end of the drive shaft 1 is a two bevel gear meshing with a bevel gear 3 into a transversal Shafty supported in bearings 4 ` ing secured thereto two gears 5 and 6 opposite unequal size.vSupportedin central portion houslng A gear 10 is in suitable bearings as econd axis 7 spl1ned whlch has the same two opposing gears 8 and 9 of unequal diameter and adapted to engage with gears respectlvely 5 and 6, the operation in the presently be described .Also fixed to the shaft 7 in ' opposite ends thereof by means of nuts 7 are lland gears between the bearings 10 ' and gears 11. Annular discs and 13 which are screwed into the outer faces thereofinternal gears 14. Insured ` it laterally extending housings 18y of the gear housing to , in suitable bearings 16 - l7 , arebutt - shafts 15 that are substantially in. alignment with axis 7 , and - have been secured to their inner ends yflanges annular 19 having openings suitable therein to receive an end of lstuds or butt shafts 20 and 21, the " opposite ends of the shafts 20 to 21 ` C -1 being ported ring supports 22 in which the flanges 19 boited in1 one . Suitably, thereby forming a space between the flanges and the ring supports through which the shafts 20 and 21 extend transversely . FIn - the shafts 20 are mounted integral gears 23 and 24 of unequal diameter Vare , and shafts 21 are mounted the individual gears 25 , having two each of the gears 23 and 24 and 25 used in each of the opposing sets of planetary gear, the gears of each set being disposed diametrically opposite each other , the gears 23 and 25 being substantially in the same plane and therefore Avertical adapted to mesh with one another , and the gears 24 being in the plae 11k gear and meshing therewit ends discs 27 which are secured by C - . C houslng gear to and hav - supported in suitable bearings ` Ain I ride BB bearings 12 are fi 27L internal gear screw 28 . the discs is provided , preferably cast integrally therewith , flanges or ridges 29 , discs 13 are provided which serve to assimilate flange 30 , respectively, brake bands for discs 13 and 27 which funcf tion with one another to the plane `tar gear carries with it , as will be presented and described .Disks 13 ' are provided furtherl external gear 31 adapted to mesh with gears and 57, respectively, of a differential gear device which is preferably used in cooperation with the planetary gear transmission . The gear 55 is mounted on a shaft 56 ptreferably s uaring the end of the sha as shown in ig . 2 of the drawings ,and gear 57 is mounted in perfect Mannery ori - a shaft 58 . An intermediate gear 59 is also mounted on shaft 56 , being striated to allow the same lengthwise movement thereof relative to the shaft, and an " intermediate gear 60 is fixed to the shaft end NER in '58 , the gears ' cooperating 59 and 60 is adapted to engage with each other accordingly as the gear 59 can move the shaft 56 relativeTo . to O ration gear 59 ' thereof is provided with an extended hub 61 which has a slot formed in thereof. Cooperating with the slot is a block 62 and a crank pin 63 fixed to a crank shaft in a bearing 64'supported into the housing 65 and operable by a lever 66 . Thus, the lever 66 thegear 59 can be moved into and out of engagement with the gear 60 for a purpose to be described presently .With THEV relinquish detailed explanation on the construction of the gear transmission containing my invention , the operation and the result of the operation thereof will be readily understood by those skilled in this art. riefiy said operation is as follows The tractor has two forward speeds as dctermined by changing gears 8 and 9 which produces one or ' the other to engage the gear rcspective Cooperating 5 or 6, the displacement of the gears are carried by a team D lever mounted in a suitable housing 76 secured to the casing of a gear, and it has. three positions , namely , low, high , neutral , the lever is alined in the respective positions by a detent pawl plate 77 Cooperating orl a plunger spring 78 of the shift lever . Therefore, by moving the lever to the left of the central or neutral position , the gear 9 is caused to engage the Gear6 , and moving the lever to the right of center of the gear wheel 8 is made to mesh with the gear 5 , thereby adjusting the gear transmission mechanism of high or low , respectively.Eitherjof accelerates in the forward gear 11 is actuated , although the central axis unit Ofthe 1 March 2 bevel gears , one or the other of the gears August 5 or 6-9 and the transverse axis 7, counterclockw1sedirection as shown in Fig . ` 2 of the drawings . 23-24 integral gears meshing with gears 11 , therefore , are driven in the opposite direction, and the gears 25 meshing with gears 23 are driven in the same direction as the gears 11. The internal gear 14 meshing with gears 24 are driven in the same direction as the gears 24 , therefore , in the opposite direction to the gears 11 and the internal gear 28 meshing with the ears 25 are driven in TE the same direction as gear 25 and , therefore , in the same direction as the gears 11.Will be apparent, therefore, that if the internal gear 14 ' being heldstationary and gears 11 rotates in the direction shown , the gears 24 rotate in the direction indicated, and also being caused to rotate in a planetary path in the same direction as the gear 11 rotates , the gears 24 are also connected to the disk flange 19 by means of brackets 22 and the abutment ring 20 the axes of the discs with the shaft 15 can be rotated in the direction of movement of the planetary gears 24 and , therefore , in THC same direction as the gear 11 , but at a lower speed , the speed ratio is determined by the gear ratio between gears 11 and 14. In this
relationship and operation of the gears of the disks 29 through the medium of gears 23, 25 and the internal gear 28 can rotate idlyupon axis 15 in the same direction as the gear 11.Inglike , if the gear 28 is held fixed gears and thel 11 is rotated in the direction indicated , the gear 14 can rotate idly shaft gears upon'the July 25 can be rotated in the same direction as the gears 11 but will be caused to rotate about the internal gear 28 in the opposite direction, thereby causing the shafts 15 to rotate in the direction opposite the direction of rotation of gear 11 and a relatively low speed as determined for the transmission ratios of the gears 11, 23 and 28.The axes 15 are arranged at their outer ends with gears 79 which are adapted to engage suitable gearing driven by the drive wheels of the tractor ( not shown) . And in order to control the operation of the internal gears 14 and 28 relative to the planetary gears 24 and 25 of the flange portions 29 and 30 of the respective gears are brakeI drums have Cooperating therewith, as best shown in figures . 2 and 3 brake bands 32 and to this provision in my 35 . Top casin A master gear is provided with cover plates 39 ' key that extend rearward portions 40 which form a support for a right brake lever may be attached to the lever shaft 41 . The portions 4l are provided with studs 42 and 43 which are radially arrangedl central fulcrum 44, and arc connected respectively to the push rods 36 by hinge connections 45 and 46.When the brake lever is set to the position shown in FIG 2, both brake bands ang loosened opposing brake drums 29 and 30 , along with the internal gears 14 and 28 are free to rotate with the rotation of the gear 11. However, with the operation of the brake lever in either direction from the position of one or the other of the brake bands are taut by a powerful gripping action for the corresponding brake drum , the stops 50 and 51 which acts to prevent excessive movement of the lever brakeV in any direction. Brake bands are preferably made in two parts hinged together , as shown , by means of hinge pins 52, the bottom of the gear box is also provided as shown here with a removable plate 54 through which . The joints of the brake band are rendered readily accessible . By removing the plate from the pins 52 ma be removed and opposing sections or brake bands thus released, the forward ends up being released by the retreat rods36 pulse can be removed from the gearbox through the opening in the gearbox housing for the plate 39 .From the foregoing detailed description be understood that a tractor equipped with my best gear transmission can be as shown here two speeds forward and reverse , and that the rate of speed at which the tractor is being operated can perform at will by operating the gearshift lever and the direction of travel of the tractor can be made at will by manipulating the brake levers .It will also be apparent in view of the gear units Planetar plural transmission mechanism that either the traction wheels of the tractor may be related to the engine independently of each other , astwo wheels and having relation to the engine while driving . While invention is not novel in their projects and functional , the means have been used to achieve this are mechanical and operational advantages and possess'important novel .I also use my best regarding planetary gear transmission , as described here , a novel construction of the differential mechanism . This latter feature , however. not essential for the satisfactory operation of the tractor in all conditions , but under certain conditions to be described ,greatl differential mechanism adds a mobility thel tractor partlcular and , with respect to time and space required for the turning movements of the tractor. To this end, the gears 31 are formed integrall with drum brake discs 13 and the direct advance whic or rearward movement of the tractor are driven in the same direction, are caused to engage with respective gears 55 -57 therefore, when the gear 59 moves into mesh with the gear 60 the effect on the transmission gear is the same as the effect produced by the operation of the brake lever with respect to both the brake drums 30 , except that there can be no differential action of a planetary gear set with respect to the other as in a direction of rotation of the gears 31 should be rotated in the opposite direction of the other gear 31 .The advantages of the differential mechanism between the opposing units operating gear transmission vin immediately operate are , of course, evident. By this arrangement, the offset between the differential gear transmission gears movement variations that may occur between opposite wheels , as will be on'curves or diverting direct line movement , the compensation effect of the difference to be automatic without the manipulation of the planetary gear brakes .Separate forward and reverse control opposite units of permissions gear transmssion turning movements of the tractor driving the wheels of the tractor forward and one in reverse direction , thus effecting the rotational movement withinthe length tractor wheel base , the center of the turning movement that is substantially central axis of the wheel, thus effecting a shift in angle, half-turn or full turn of the tractor no gain in any direction with respect to movement center .It will be obvious , of course, that instead of causing the wheels to move in the reverse direction it can be completely disconnected from the transmission in the rotation. It is also understood that the front wheels of the tractor will be adaptable to short turning operation contemplated by this feature of the invention .It will also be apparent that the drive wheels can be used in view of its wide range of independent movement coperative for steering, as the front wheels in the usual construction - tion 125 is easily respond to the movements of the driving wheels. This applies more particularly , however , the types of crawler tractors , in which the rotational movement can be performed in any direction for the release of the brake lever 13 on the side in the direction ( return should be made . When the turn has been made ​​to the desired size of the brake lever is set again and the tractor moves in a straight line as before.It may also be conveniently provided in connection with my best transmission through gears for driving a pulley so that the tractor engine can be used to operate other machines. To this end, a belt drive shaft 71 is mounted in suitable bearings 73 and 74 at the forward end of the main gear housing , the shaft is operated by a gear 72 secured thereto and meshing with the gear 5 and the bearing 74 to be extended laterally by a suitable housing E so that the belt pulley is secured thereto erase the gear housing .From the foregoing detailed description of the construction, operation and results of the operation of my better transmission and differential gear, and realized significant benefits comprehendedand thereof will be readily appreciated by those skilled in this art. The increased mobility of tractors as well as structural advantages realized by the invention are of fundamental importance in the development of the tractor and construction , improvements that increase the effect of mobility and at the same time provide structural advantages all tend to Morel complete marketing or adaptability of tractors to average agricultural conditions.
Having thus fully described my invention , what I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent is i 1. In the gear transmission of the combination of a motor drive shaft , a plurality of axes having'driving relationships opposed drive wheels , a plurality of planetary drive units , gearing interposed between the drive shaft and said opposing axes , and the mechanism for controlling each of said planetary gear units independently of each other , so that engine power can be transmitted to cause the wheels to rotate in reverse directions relative to each other , and connecting means opposing units planetary gear transmission for making the units to rotate in unison .v2. In the gear transmission , the combination . a motor drive shaft , a plurality of shafts having driving connection with opposing drive wheels , a plurality of transmission units VA planetary gear including plurality of brake bands for each unit interposed between said drive shaft and opposing axes , and a mechanism to control each of said planetary gear units by which energy can be transmitted to said wheels for driving same in a plurality ' of predetermined speeds either forward or backward simultaneously or serz'atm , and means connecting the opposite ` ' drive units for causing the planetary gear units rotate in unison .Three . In the gear transmission , the combination of a motor drive shaft , a plurality of driving axes having relationship wlth opposed drive wheels , a plurality of units planetary gear transmission interposed between the drive shaft and opposite said shafts , said friction wheel units , including means for reversing the direction of rotation of the respective shafts opposite a speed change gear interposed between the gear units and the drive shaft , and the mechanism for controlling each of said planetary gear units and said rate of change " gear which said engine power can be transmitted to said wheels for driving same in forward and reverse directions ATA plurality of predetermined speeds or simultaneously. serz'atif / n, and means connecting the units opposite planetary gear transmission for the drives to rotate umson .April . In the gear transmission , the combinatlon , a motor drive shaft , a plurality of axes having a driving relationship with opposed drive wheels , a plurality of units planetary gear transmission interposed between the drive shaft and said shafts opposites, and a plurality of brake bands for each of said planetary gear units which said engine power can be transmitted to said drive wheels and the differential mechanism interposed between the opposite UMTS planetary gear .May . Transmlssion gear in the combination , of a motor drive shaft , a plurality of shafts having driving connection with opposing drive wheels , a plurality of transmission units planetary gear 105 interposed between the drive shaft and opposite said shafts the mechanism for controlling sald each'of planetary gear units which lengine said power can be transmitted to said drive wheels , and normally switched - connected differential gear 110 interposed between the opposing units Laneta - RY and operable geuring to cause said ) to rotate relative units 1N compensation to each other.June . In the gear transmission , the combination 115 tion of a motor drive shaft , a plurality of shafts having driving connection with opposing drive wheels , a plurality of gear units interposed bietween planetarytransmission drive shaft and said opposite axes 120 , for each control mechanism drives planetary gear sald which said engine power can be transmitted to said drive wheels , and usually disconnected differential mechanism be - tween 125 filed opposing units planetary gear and operable to cause said units rotate unlson 1n , but offset relative to each other.7 . In the gear transmission of the combination - . 130 tion of a motor drive shaft , a plurality of axes having a driving relationship with the opposing shafts , a plurality of transmission units planetary gear interposed between the motor drive shaft and said axis opposite the gear change mechanism between the motor drive shaft and said units - and planetary gear change mechanism between the respective planetary units .August . In the gear transmission , the combination of ' the drive shaft motor, a shaft pluralityy having driving relations with opposing drive wheels . intermediate drive shaft and a plurality of transmission units of'planetary gear interposed between said opposing axes and the drive shaft INTERMEDIAT -e , connections between the movable gear planetary units , and . control planetary gear mechanism consisting of a plurality of change gear mounted at different values ​​and said intermediate shaft adapted to be moved in operative relationship with the motor drive shaft so that said wheels may be operated at a plurality predetermined speed .9. In the gear transmission , the combination of a motor drive shaft , a plurality of driving axes having relationship with opposed drive wheels , a plurality of units planetary gear transmission interposed between the drive shaft and said shafts opposite to each control mechanism drives said planetary gear which said engine power can be transmitted to said drive wheels , and usually neutral differential gear having gear ratios with said planetary gear units opposite and having a shift gear mechanism operable to bring the train differential between these planetary gear units whereby said units will be forced to rotate relative to one another offset .10 . In the gear transmission , the combination of a drive sprocket , a plurality of drive shafts of driven wheels thereof, drives a plurality of planetary gear transmission including a plurality of brake bands for each unit interposed between the pinion driy'e said drive shafts and a housing and the mechanism contained in the control mechanism for each of said brake bands which the power of the drive sprocket can be transmitted to said drive wheel , and means connecting opposite drives planetary gear transmission to make the units to rotate in unison.11. In the gear transmission combinationkof a plurality of drive shafts of the wheels of the machine, a plurality of units of planetary gear transmission including a plurality of brake bands for each unit interposed between the motor shaft and said drive shafts and wheel mechanism for controlling each of said brake bands independently of each other , so that engine power can be transmitted to one or the other of said wheels to make the machine rotate in any wheel as the center or at an intermediate wheel center and opposite connecting means units planetary gear transmission units to which rotate in unison .

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