Reversing gear

Reversing gear

April 4, 1950 - A. T. Nabstedt ETAL 2502799GEAR REYERSING Filed March 15, 1947 6 sheets leaves August 1, 33 July 1950 AT Nabstedt Brak'ymderaa E'IV'AL Ap Q 2502799Investment Mechanism 6 Sheets - 2 Sheet Filed March 15, 1947 113 [ll / DXT I f M In my n : 1 mik \ 1 / magnet April 4, 1950 AT -T ETAL NABSTED REVERSE GEAR 6 Sheets - Sheet 4 filed 15 Ap 4 March 1947 , 1950 . A. T. Nabstedt ET AL 2502799' GEAR INVESTMENT Filed March 15, 1947 I Sheet tabs Nabstedt s April 1950 AT ET AL 2502799INVESTMENT GEAR Filed March 15, 1947 6 SheefS sheets 6 patented April 4, 1950 reversin T GEAR Arthur T. Nabstedt , Hamden , and John 0 . Berndtson , Short Beach , Conn., assignors to snow - Nabstedt Gear Corporation , New Haven , Connecticut , a Connecticut company Application March 15, 1947 , Serial No. 734 974 
2 Claims . 
This invention relates to reverse gear , and particularly those for use in connection with marine engines , although the invention is not limited in this respect.One object is to provide a reverse gear compared to previous devices of this kind takes up less linear space in the boat and is lighter in weight in comparison with the transmitted power .I further object to provide a device of this type in which the structure is of the utmost simplicity and maximum accesses . the most likely to require access.Another object is to provide a reverse gear having improved performance means the type of fluid pressure , the fluid pressure means to be either gaseous or liquid .Another object is to provide a controlled fluid device of this kind which requires a minimum number of joints that operate in connection with a rotating member or members Preventin order to exhaust control fluid , such as air or oil .A further purpose of the invention to provide an improved arrangement and simple means for Fluidcontrol brake clutch and a reverse gear , and to improve the organization of the parts of the reverse gear .In the accompanying drawings :Figs. 1 and 2 are views that collectively show a reverse gear embodying the invention , vertical longitudinal section , being the parties to the forward drive position ;. Figure 3 shows , on a larger scale, and in sectionsome of the parts shown in FIG . 1, the clutch , however , being in the disengaged position ;. Figure 4 is a detail plan view of the brake means in relation to the gear assembly , showing the brake band in the braking position ;. Figure 4 is a fragmentary end view of the band - . Mechanism of the clamping lever shown in Fig . 4;. Figure 5 is a line section of Fig -55 . 1;. Figure 6 is a detail longitudinal section of the sealing means used in connection with the drive shaft ;. '7 figure is a schematic view showing the arrangement of the internal gears and pinions of the gear assembly Figs. 8, 9 and 10 are somewhat schematic sectional views showing the operation of the fluid valve is illustrated in Fig . 2;Figs. 11 and 12 together show a vertical longitudinal section of a modified form of reverse changes , the clutch is in the engaged position ;. 13 is a sectional view on an enlarged scale showing parts shown in FIG . 11, the friction clutch , however , being in the disengaged position ;. 14 is a section along the line I l - J4 of Fig . 11; and. 15 is a schematic view of the gears and pinions of the gear assembly .The gearshown invest in the figures. 1 and 2 comprises a housing , the left end of which is intended to be mounted adjacent the flywheel end of a marine engine , and within the housing is a reverse gear having the end portion adjacent to marine engine of a friction clutch having an outer member rotates continuously from the engine shaft , said friction clutch being concentric with a drive shaft which extends centrally and longitudinally of the housing , the housing having at its end portion the right rear of a stub shaft driven from the drive shaft through a reduction gear and carry off the carcass of a coupling for a propeller or other decision- 01f . Within the housing and in close proximity to the friction clutch is a gear set having an external drum or band member and associated brake , the gear assembly being concentric with the drive shaft. The friction clutch is actuated in one direction by a fluid pressure device , which in this case is located radially inward of the friction clutch and the brake band has associated with it a clamping device adapted to be actuated by a fluid pressure device . In the case illustrated the friction clutch is performed normally in the coupling position to provide forward drive , by a number of springs used in the clutch structure , and the band brake relative to the gear assembly is usually in a released position . A dispensing valve connected to the pressure device mentioned above and a fluid with a suitable source of pressurized fluid may have one of its members easily moved by hand to a position where the friction clutch is moved by the means pressure to the disengaged position for the placement of the investment team at a standstill ;and when desired, the mobile element of the control valve can be shifted to cause the clamping of the brake band such that the shaft can be rotated in the reverse direction .In the drawings, the housing is shown in A, the central drive shaft B, the driven shaft displacement has the power take- 01f , in C, the reduction gear between the two axes in D , the clutch E friction in the gear set to F , and the braking device associated with the gear iband fixed G. the fluid pressure device , which relatively large or obtuse . from the axis B, as described below , in this case acts to release the friction clutch ,is generally indicated at H, the same having a fluid supply conduit within the B axis , as described below, and which is controlled by manipulating external valve controllin I i connections to the pressure source fluid . thefluid pressure device to tighten the brake band is generally indicated , J , and this has operated valve connections I, as described below .The drive shaft B is a suitable bearing in the rear end portion of the housing A,and at the front the axle is supported by the engine speed up the'reversing is associated. The housing has a front wall 2! flywheel'ofthe positioned adjacent the engine , a portion of which is indicated in the flywheel February 2 , andthe flywheel is suitably connected , as by fasteners 23 , to a rotating disk or strip 24 . This disc or band has a portion located forwardly of the wall 2 | , and a portion disposed within a wall aperture 25in 2 | , and a further part 21 in a hubinto theshape extending the shaft forwardend - B . The hub portion - as 21 is hollow and provided with a transverse wall or'partition - 28; . providing a recess cupshaped accommodate an antifriction bearing 29 , the'outer race of which engages the portion 21 and the inner race of which engages the forward end of the shaft B.The disc or drive band 24 is arranged to rotate the outer member of the friction clutch E, outer member - which is arranged inside the front end portion of the housing and is a member interiorly round chamber enclosing the inner member theclutch and enclosing the fluid - pressure device H, and having a front wall attached to the disc 24 , and a back wall or web rotatably supported with respect to axis B , and a member operatively connected to the gear assembly F , as described below . thethe front wall of the outer clutch member indicated at 30 , and this wall is provided on the front end with a flange 3 | conveniently connected peripheral portion of the wall or web 33 . These walls provide a whole , hollow member having opposing inclined friction surfaces 35, 36 which cooperates with separate parts 31, 38 of the inner clutch member , the parts 31 and 38 having opposed conical surfaces 39 and 49 provided inclinedouter material suitable coating and adapted to engage the surfaces of the inner cone of the outer clutch member . The inner clutch parts are driven by helical springs - 4 | positioned between them and received in matching outlets 42, said springs tend to separate the inner clutch parts - and to hold them in firm engagement with the friction surfaces outer clutch member . The clutch. parts 31, 38 are ring-shaped parts is referably internally chambered for cooling purposes ; These portions have their surfaces arranged to provide friction between the angle of which is related theman These parts are mounted so as to be freely slidable , in an axial direction with - respect to each other and the shaft in its axial movements '38 . from Figure 3, the front end of the shaft section 44 limits, the arrangement being that when desired sucn release the clutch the fluid pressure device H can be put into action to is provided with a flange 41, and the rear end section " 43 with a'flange 48, the flanges being interconnected'bythe bolts 45, and said flanges provided at conjunctionarecess 49 receive a flange 50 formed on the ring member 46 . the flange 50 is carried held in this recess by means such as screws 5 | .. flange 50 projecting radially inwardly from the rear end of the ring member 45 the radially outer surface of the ring member 46 is provided with a plurality of splines5'2 ' hooked with the corresponding slots 53 and 54 formed'upon radially inner faces of the clutch members theinner .The device H is fluid pressure " and arranged'in constructed so that , when introducing the pressure medium in a pressure chamber arranged between two pressure members axially movable pistons or thedevice , therear MOV - ' element clutch 38 will be able to move in a forward direction , and the element 31 theforwardly'located moved in a rearward direction in order to release the " clutch . " With this view in theconstruction and arrangement of the fluid pressure device is preferably as follows : it leaves enough anti- frictionbearing betweenthe 29 and the flange at the rear end of the shaft section forwards movement to accommodate pressure members 55 oppositely and 56 disposed around the shaft forward section having seals devicesor contacting said packing section in its periphery. Section44 principal axis - is provided with an axial feed line 51 . in communication with a supply conduit 58 in the short axial portion 43 , and forward closed nearthe Passages'59 end'of Etlateral step . lead'to the exterior'of the struc ' --- ing axis and space fluid pressure . an.annular '60 between members 55 and 0.56. The pressure member 55 has an inner sleeve portion directed forwards 6 | provided with suitable package material 62 . held in contact with the shaft surface with'the .The pro wall member55 has'a'transverse part - packing provided inside 63 'instead of a plate or plates 64and 65 screws . The B3 packaging: free'e'dge has committed to a cylindrical surface 6'6 previews. a cylindrical wall portion 61 member56 pressure . Pressure member 56 is provided at its radially inner portion with a sleeve portion 168 - extends therefrom forward and provided with packing material 68 * , and the member 56 - having a transverse wall parallel to the transverse wall ofzmember55 , thefirstmentioned . transverse wall . wallportion being integral with the cylinder 35 ' . The pressure element 55 ishalsoprovided with a cylindrical outer wall portion , the same being'indicated at 59 , and it extends in a forwarddirec tion of: so'asto pressure'm'ember be inside and inzcontact - part withthe cylindrical wall of the other pressure member , the arrangement being'such - the : pressure members telescope, with a pressure chamber provided between them,packing and preventing any escape of fluid between ' the memberswhere outwardportions the'radially make contact with each ansoavea 5' . another , and each member of the pressure of being free. slide axially relative to the other pressure member .Members 55 and 56 are provided at their front ends with flanges I and II, respectively, arranged in transverse planes , the flange II is disposed forwardly of the clutch section 31 and is adapted to contact with said section in the radially thelatter inward . The cylindrical wall portion of member 56 is disposed - immediately raises into the toothed member 46, described above, said tooth member having a smooth cylindrical inner surface to help guide the pressure element 56 . While flange II is adapted to move the clutch 3'1 section in one direction, a change of the clutch section 38 in the opposite direction is carried out by a ring member adapted to contact I2 with section 38 in the radially inner portion thereof, I2 ring member is engaged at its rear face by I3 nuts screwed onto the rear ends of the bars - I4, which bars can be moved freely in holes I5 I2 provided in the ring member. The rods 14 are in a number of circumferential locations relative to the pressing member 55, and pass through holes in the flange 16 is , and the nuts 11 are screwed onto the rods forward flange I0 . I4 rods also pass through the holes in the flange and through I8 II I9 suitable holes provided in the toothed member 46 .Gear assembly F , mentioned above , is placed around the axis B to a location immediately to the rear of the band member 33, described above. In this case, the gear assembly is driving and driven internal gear , being similar to one of the gear assemblies shown in Nabstedt patent No. 2,286,223 of 16 June 1942. This set of changes has a driving gear 80 and a driven gear 8 | , the structure includes a pinion box having a drum 82 is surrounded by outer brake band G ' and having end walls which are mounted between the long pinions and short and meshingwith willing to engage the respective internal gears as described in the aforementioned patent . Internal drive gear 80 is directly connected to the network 33 in a suitable manner , as by bolts 83 , being connected in an intermediate region between the edges or boundaries of the inner and outer side , and the shouldered portion web be directly engaged with the internal gear . The driven internal gear 8 | is rigidly connected by a flanged hub member 84 with the axis B, the said hub being keyed to the shaft , as shown at 85 , and the antifriction bearing rearmost gear set 86 is supported on a portion of the hub. The front anti-friction bearing 81 0f the gear assembly is coupled to a cylindrical portion of axis B, and immediately before the anti- friction bearing 81 one similar anti- friction bearing 88 is provided on this part of the shaft in a manner to support the inner edge of the web 33 .G brake mechanism 89 comprises an elastic band wrapped with suitable friction material and embraces the drum 82 of the pinion cage that is in close association with their ends to a tightening mechanism consists of a lever mechanism driven by the J device fluid pressure , the fluid pressure device being operatively connected with the control valve I. In this particular embodiment , the device J fluid pressure is mounted within the housing on top of the latter, and is adapted to apply the brake, when it is desired the application of the brakes, by imparting a thrust to . mechanism of the brake lever to tighten andwhich the pressure device is located rearward of the brake band , and the lever mechanism suitably constructed for the purpose intended . The fluid pressure device comprises a fluid pressure cylinder 90 , disposed longitudinally ' ally with respect to the housing and contains a piston 9 | provided with suitable packing material 92 . One side of the cylinder is exposed on the outside of the casing, and this side is provided with an inlet passage 93 that leads into the cylinder , said inlet passage is connected to the valve I by means such as a flexible tube 94 . The piston 9 | is prevented from tilting in the cylinder by the arrangement of a pin 95 disposed rearwardly of the piston rod which slides in a socketed portion 96 provided on the rear wall of the cylinder. The piston is also provided with a cylindrical portion 91 that protrudes forward , the front face of which is adapted to make contact with the lever mechanism mentioned above for the purpose of applying the brake. Lever arrangement for tightening the belt is generally of the type described in Patent No. 2,370,484 Nabstedt of 27 February 1945, thebrake band itself is supported resiliently in the release position . In this example , -However, the gripping action is ensured by a thrust on the primary clamping lever , and , moreover , the arrangement is such that the pressure device can not force the lever mechanism beyond a neutral position , and can not , therefore , block the brake. In the present example , one end of the band is provided with an upright lug 98 and the other with a stud 99 which has loaded a clearance hole I00 receive the threaded pin which is provided on the outer side of the tab with nut IOI . The clamping lever primary band shown in I02 , and this lever has one end pivoted on the I 03 at a kerf provided at the inner end of the plug I00 . At its opposite end to I02 to I04 lever is pivoted to a duplex secondary lever I05 .I04 is pivot at one end of a lever I05 , and at the opposite end of the lever has a swivel connection on the pole tion 99, as shown in Nabstedt Pat . -ent No. 2,370,484 . On the top of post 99 is a pivot block I-06 having an opening therein in which slides a rod I01 is connected to an I08 projection provided at the upper end of the member pivotally connected with lever pin I00 I02 clearance . Among projection I 08 and I-06 block a coil spring I01 I09 embraces the stem.. Figure 4 shows the piston device J projected forward to the maximum , and it will be noted that in this position the piston has moved the lever to an extent sufficient I02 togive full brake application , but the pin has not yet I04 reached a neutral position . As shown , this position can not be reached by the fact that I05 lever has a curved edge portion forward. I II 0 abuts the post 99 in order to prevent further aging oscillation flat face of the extension of the piston,with the friction clutch and brake.impressive weaand the . Hello portion is located: laterally from the 1. pivot. I 0.4.Inorderto holdthebrake 89 band . in. position . while the device - is thefluid thrust exerted pressure on the lever mechanism , the adjacent . end of the strap is secured . against ; dislocation forexample , producing post 99 extends upwardly into . an opening : a fixture : plate. 99% .carriedby the housing. Some . cases the result samev . could be accomplished by protecting the pressure device rigidly to the brake band .Theipassage o: duct 51 " on . Axis 13 leads . The'shaft the rear end , and adjacent to the rear end . Shaft sealing device is generally indicated in H2 , it is connected to . The I by a valve hose H3 . H2 the sealing device is located within a removable cover H4 therear applied to the wall of the housing. the sealing device may comprise a cylindrical housing which is H5 . supported stationarily and receives internally a tubular member which extends rigidly from the shaft B and in communication with the passage 51 . as shown , tubular member " H5 held rigidly in position relative to the shaft by means of a threaded bushing H.1 - screwed into a socket in the shaft end. H6 tubular member has an extension or H8 head whose periphery in engagement with the rotating inner surface of the housing H5 . the left end (Fig. e) of casingis equipped with a closing plug 19 provided with suitablev I I20 packaging and anti - bearing friction .l2l , I22 are conducted . instead. between head H8 'and hub H1 . Between the head and H8,the right. end ; the housing; (fig. 6) A spring is interposed I23 . Benoted is that the arrangement is such that when the shaft rotates , thewhile at the same time maintaining the communication between the stationary pipe or tube thepassage H3 and the shaft.Control valve may have any preference.. thesequential suitablefor form . Operation of devices associated fluid pressure can be assumed respectively . the fluid is pressurized . liquid, such as oil, and both drawings schematically illustrate a control valve adapted to handle a fluid under pressure . This valve has a round housing that encloses a body 124 of the rotary valve 25 adapted to be converted. I26 by a suitable handle . The casing is connected in an image point of its circumference to a pipe '27 inletv 3 which leads to a source of liquid under pressure, and other points of its periphery is connected to housing thev hoses 94 and H3 , supra and an exhaust pipe or tube I28 - by rotating the valve body . positionsshown three different figures . 8, 9 and 10, the necessary engagement with the outer element of the friction clutch , and the clutch outer member is driven by the motor and transmits rotation to the axis B through the connection sections slotted clutch hub structure'at ' the front end of the shaft. The outer clutch member 8 carrieswith her ​​.
Through his connection "with the internal gear 80 of partsof turn the gear set including drum gear assembly that rotates freely inside the brake band . Under these conditions , with rotating parts gear'set as above, the gear train has a actionsimilar tothat of a flywheel . pressure device H , under these conditions , it has the position shown in Fig . 1 ' when parties thisposition one rotatable shaft B , which is non -rota - and connected Tivel members axiallymovable pressure . H device via the connections described above , including the tie rods or tie bolts'passing through these members and through the radially outward from the hub as a structure on which are mounted axially movable clutch elements . device J pressure under these conditions is shown in position - Fi'g . one valve I, being in the posithan of Fig . 8 the fluid supply connections from the valve to the clutch and brake device is in communication with the exhaust pipe and through the inlet pipe 21 which is connected to the pressure source fluid is closed by the valve body .To put the reverse gear in the neutral position , it is necessary to support the device for pressure without admitting pressure to the device H of J. This valveto achievedby converting the position shown in Fig . 9 wherein the inlet of the pressure source is connected to the'device H, J device , on the other hand, is connected to the exhaust . When pressure is admitted to the device H, the interior conical clutch elements are brought towards one another by'the forward movement : from the rear cone section and the rearward movement of the front cone section or forward . . Figure 3 shows the positions in which the cone members are moved by the removal . As illustrated , the release movement of the cone sections is limited by its coming into contact with each other on their adjacent surfaces , as shown in Fig . 3 - , but in some cases the movement may be limited by other means. The opposite movement of the cone sections of the disengaged position inthe engaged position is caused by the movement of the pressure members and 56 when pressure is introduced influenza - Identification in the annular space between these members. Referring to FIG . 3, the member 55 ' is pushed to the left by the inlet pressure and the movement is transmitted from the ring member 12 to move from 55 to 170 , the cone of the rear section in the same direction . The inlet pressure causes the movement of the mem - '- ber 56 inthe right , thereby causing movement of the cone section 37' in the same action directionthrough flange ll . When this movement has been effected disengaging the reverse gear is on the neutralposition . A: no neutral axis unit driven from the forwardend , as before ole - .described , and the outer clutch member rotates,without imparting rotation to the propeller shaft and is held in the surrounding water, while ' the ' sprockets have gearbox and planetary rotation .To displace : reverse, the valve controlling the body member has moved to the position shown in Fig . 10 . The result is to connect the source of fluid pressure devices H and J OFI cutting the exhaust port . The effect of this change in neutral from'the is continuing bymaintaining clutch disengagement the'connection the device . H, and to connect the brake application device so'that the brake pressure can be moved to the tightened position shown in Fig . April . This causes the pinion box gear set to keep still, and the drive is then reversed , because the clutch is out of engagement , the pinion cage is held stationary , and the internal gear 8I driven in the direction as a result of reverse gears rotate around fixed axes , the internal gear 8 | being driven opposite internal gear 80 .- A double cone clutch has marked advantages when used in connection with a reverse gear , and the double cone clutch described herein , in which the inner members are axially movable clutch splined to spline ring big , allows a pressure cylinder or area camera suificient be disposed radially inwardly with reference to the cone clutch element . The chamber or cylinder is provided between the oppositely moving annular pressure member which surrounds the shaft , a portion of the shaft which acts as support or bearing for the pressure device . Single fluid cylinder or chamber , which is expandable forward and backward, is easily controlled so that leakage of the fluid is concerned, since only two relatively small labels are necessary, a gasket associated with each piston or movable pressure member.There is some benefit in having the friction clutch actuated by springs to engaging position , in which , if the supply of fluid pressure is reduced or no work at all , the clutch is engaged to bring the full power of the engine, and the ship enter port . However, it is within the contemplation of the invention to have the coupled clutch fluid pressure and disengaged by means of springs . It is also noted that due to the fact that the brake lever clamp can not move to a central position or a position on the center , the brake can not be tightened to a degree where there is no danger of his being, locked against the release . It is, however , the invention contemplates that the pressure device in association with the brake band can be used for releasing a band is tightened by a spring or similar.A notable advantage of the invention is that the structure of the reverse gear and organization are the maximum simplicity and compactness . Rotary driving parts is minimized . This applies to the fluid pressure device associated with the friction clutch , and in this connection it should also be noted that it is not necessary to use a lever or the like in relation to the mechanism . Such levers occupy valuable space and to be unnecessary in accordance with the present invention, the gear assembly can be very close to the friction clutch , thereby reducing to a considerable extent of the total length of the device , which allows lighter investing team that is provided without any sacrifice of strength. Another distinct advantage arises from the fact that the device thecontrolling for controlling operation of the reverse gear is simple in nature and can be manipulated with greater ease. IThe way reverse gear described above and illustrated in the drawings is one for the splash lubrication , but the organization of the parties is such as to lend itself to pressure lubrication , and it is understood that the arrangement shown for outer member drive friction clutch is just exemplary .Another advantage of the described structure that the seal is used in connection with the production introif pressure medium in the drive shaft is located at or near the rear end of the device , where it is easily accessible.In the modified form of reverse gear shown in Figs . 11 to 15 inclusive, the friction clutch is actuated by a fluid pressure medium , but the clutch is different from the structure of that first described . The gear assembly is also of a different character , although the band brake mechanism and associated pressure device are similar to those described above. In this case there is provided a reduction gear , and the input fluid pressure to the clutch has a modified arrangement . In this way the fluid pressure device for displacement of the clutch comprises two pressure chambers in which the pressure medium introduced , one of these chambers being in one of the moving clutch - and being other in the other clutch moving MEM ​​- it. Moving the clutch members adapted to be moved toward and away from each other have a splined connection with the drive axis as before, but the detailed structure is substantially different from the first described .In this way, the housing clutch L K hasa frictio forwardly projecting it to a considerable extent , and the friction clutch is adapted to drive a shaft having a center M of the propeller coupling N applied to the rear end thereof . Concentric with the axis gear set is 0 . This set of gears - has a pinion cage surrounded by a band brake P. P brake band can be of the structure described above, and has associated with it a device in fluid pressure Q , it can be assumed that the same structure as the device of J , except for the fact that the device Q is of forward gear assembly in a space between the set of gears and the clutch, and except for the fact that the tightening mechanism of the band is arranged to suit different pressure device location .In this form of device , the clutch outer member has a generally similar to the first described manner, said outer member having on the front thereof, a substantially vertical wall I29 , to which a disk drive or coupling ( not shown) may be attached by suitable fasteners . The clutch has opposed inner movable elements or sections 30 and I i3i I32 spring loaded to normally remain in the engaged position separated . Each member or section is annular in shape , and the respective sections have grooves longitudinal grooves I33 and I34 and I35 I35 coupling , which in this case are formed directly on the periphery of an enlarged portion or hub shaft I31 . The sections are provided with annular grooves or recesses I38 and I39 , against , respectively , forward and backward, and these recessed portions of the sections, in relation to fixed part carried by the shaft and projecting into the recesses are fiuid adapted to provide expandable chambers . I38 projecting into the recess is an annular shaped piston 40 projecting MI froma member in the nature of a disc fixed to the front end of the axis by means such as screws 42 . Part I40 is provided with proper packaging as shown. The body portion of the disc-shaped member that 4! is positioned in front of the grooves of the section I30 . The recess in section I3 ! engages in the projecting part of a disc - I43 and I44 member remains in a fixed position on the shaft by means such as screws I45 .The shaft is provided with an internal longitudinal passage closed I46 0.1 1 forward end of the shaft by a cap 41, and provided intermediate the ends of the hub portion P3 ! I48 with a port communicate through oblique bores M9 , 159 in the cube, with internal passages in the members M1 and M4 . Since these internal conduits of the two members are identical, a description of one will suffice . Each member has a radial passage [ 51 communicates by a short branch for over 59 or I58 . Passage intermediate the ends of the central longitudinal passage I51 I52 leads through the piston - and to the end face of the piston, in order to allow fluid to reach the chamber in the section of the clutch. When fluid is admitted to voids or chambers , the inner members of the clutch - are moved from the engagement position , shown in Fig . 11, to the disengaged position , shown in Fig . 13 , against the action of springs P32 . In this movement moves each clutch sections is guided on the fixed piston ring portion rigid with the shaft. The fluid acts directly against a transverse wall provided in the clutch section , so as to force the clutch section forward or backward as the case .M6 passage in the shaft extends to the rear end of the shaft , as shown in Fig . 12 and the shaft end , which projects rearwardly from the housing , is applied to - the coupling externally N. This coupling element extends rearward beyond the end of the shaft to provide a chamber in the coupling 53 , which is closed at the rear coupling means such as a plate M4 . The fluid pressure device actuating'the laterally introduced into the chamber 153 via a port I55 , which port is in communication with a slot 155 on a relatively fixed seal ring Q51 has an inlet 1-58 to which an adequate supply pipe or tube (not shown) is connected . Suitable sealing material is interposed between the fixed ring I51 and rotatable coupling member . Also suitable sealing means are provided between the wall of the coupling member and the shaft side , as shown in Fig . 12 to prevent leakage of fluid in a forward direction.The clutch outer member is provided at its rear with a network 159 which is keyed to a planetary gear ! ) That is disposed within the cage pinion gear set 0 . This planetary gear rotates freely - 1st around the axis M. The pinion \ cage is in the embodiment of a drum for long shafts I'El pinions meshing with the sun gear and with short pinio'ns Hill , pinions 62 in turn meshes with a sun gear 53 which is keyed to the shaft .'The method of operation of reverse gear is substantially the same as in the first described form.The shapes of the sprocket shown herein are only exemplary , and it is understood that many different modifications and changes of detail can be made without departing from the main principles of the invention or the scope of the claims." We do not intend in this paper the " immovements in " friction clutches revealed , as claimed in the application , serial number 734 973 , filed on even date .Be evident that in both forms of the invention described herein 12 , the number clutch outer , which is driven " by the motor is of generally has a cup-shaped body having a hollow front wall for connection to a driving member and having a rear wall in the nature of a network, part of the crown theperipheral ie its maximum diameter portion is provided oppositely inclined friction surfaces fixed internallywith that . are adapted to be contacted " by the respective sections of the inner clutch member . The sections are separated otherraxial - 1st clutch for the purpose of participating . the clutch outer member , and move - each other for the purpose of disengagement . These sections are adapted opposite tobemoved through a fluid pressure device associated therewith and a shaft portion that is rotated by the friction clutch when latterxis theoperative position ., What we want is :. l . A . Reversing mechanism having a drive shaft , a member driven by the motor can rotate freely with respect to said axis adjacent the forward end of the shaft, friction - clutchmeans for grasping . said element driven by the motor to the shaft, a device fluid pressure adjacent said friction clutch means for actuating the latter , and means including a gear set and a brake means associated with concentric . back axis of said friction clutch means for imparting reverse rotation on the shaft when you turn off the clutch friction means , : said driven gear set and internal gear driven which is driving internal gear immediatelycontigw (ms the motor -driven , the member having a wall enginedriven or web to said internal gear drive a cross ' is directly connected. vTwo . A reversing mechanism , the combination of a longitudinal axis having a front end and a rear end and the rear end is arranged to conduct apropeller or similar member . Engine driven rotatably mounted adjacent the front end of the ' ShaftQmea'ns for grasping said member driven by the engine to the front end "of the drive shaft to impart forward said clutchingmeans is disposed within said member and driven by the motor : the latter has a transverse web gripping means enclosing said ,and means including driving and driven internal gears of which the first member is immediately adjacent to and driven by the motor directly connected to said - web to impart reverse rotation to said shaft.

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